• 0: Prologue •

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Before Aether, our beloved traveler, came to the world of Teyvat, Albedo and Sucrose had become alchemists for around a year and a half.


"Good morning, Mr. Albedo!" A cheerful girl greeted her mentor in a bright day. This is the first time she's working as an assistant to the Chief Alchemist of The Knights of Favonius, Albedo. Beside being an assistant, she's also focusing her role in bio-alchemy. She has her own personal goals too.

"Good morning. Sucrose, is it? Welcome to the alchemy of the Knights of Favonius," Albedo greeted back.

Sucrose nodded excitedly. "Pleasure to be working with you, Mr. Albedo. I heard from the Acting Grandmaster that you're a very genius alchemist! Even if our role in alchemy are different, I still need to learn a lot from you."

Albedo chuckled. "Pleasure to be working with you too, Sucrose."

Besides working with the Knights of Favonius, both Albedo and Sucrose also worked with Timaeus. He's a freelance alchemist who's not affiliated with the Knights of Favonius, but Jean seems to be fine for him to be working with the members of the Knights of Favonius. Even though his alchemy skills are not as good as Albedo's---he also seems to be compared a lot to Sucrose---he's still a pretty helpful bonus, especially when it comes to helping Albedo with his art skills.

With the help of Albedo, Sucrose can conduct some experiments fluently. Sucrose is always curious about everything and anything. If Sucrose already conducted with an experiment of her own, she will be very focused with it. But she can be seem to be very introverted, just like Albedo himself. Nonetheless, they both had a good dynamic and never ran into some meaningless arguments---because they always seem to be agree on the same thing.

Both of their favorite places is obviously Dragonspine. Its a calm and somewhat empty land, perfect for them to conduct an experiment and cope with their social awkwardness. Even though sometimes they will usually be in the laboratory too.


6 months has passed, after Aether finally went to Teyvat...

"Hey, Sucrose, Albedo!" A sensational yet so genius, astrologist Mona Megistus, a friend of Albedo and Sucrose, greeted them.

"Hi, Mona! How's your day?" Sucrose asked with a friendly smile.

"Pretty good! Oh yes, Sucrose, I have a really good news for you!" Mona pats both of Sucrose's shoulders, grinned. "Remember, this is based on your constellations. This will be 100% accurate."

"W-what is it?" Sucrose asked, her eyes widened in curiosity.

"You will fall in love!"

"WHAT?!" Sucrose's face turned red. In her whole 18 years of becoming a basic human being and an alchemist, she never experienced romantic interactions with someone.

"And if you do, consider telling me, okay?! Bye!!!" Mona then walked away from the pair of alchemists.

Sucrose covered her face in blush. She's always been busy with her passion with bio-alchemy, never thought of something with love or something.

"Mona, again with her weird future-predicting powers..." Albedo sighed, as he pats Sucrose's left shoulder. "Wanna take a bite in Good Hunter?"

"Sure, Mr. Albedo!" Sucrose nodded in enthusiasm. She then followed her mentor at his back.

Sucrose then concentrated her gaze on Albedo's back as they walked in the direction of Good Hunter. He, Mona, and the entire Knight family are probably the individuals she is closest to. Who will she fell in love on?

She then continues to second-guess what Mona has said. Finally, both of them have arrived at Good Hunter. When she suddenly imagined herself with Albedo, she covered her face in embarrassment.

And she stupidly jinxed it. She hadn't recognized how much she had loved and adored after Albedo over the previous year of their friendship. She always feels extremely joyful when she is with Albedo for no apparent reason. She may be feeling at ease with Albedo now because they spend all of their time together. Particularly given that they both have experiences dealing with social awkwardness in general.

Damn it, because of Mona, now I realized my feelings with Mr. Albedo is very abnormal, she muttered to herself. She then glanced at the figure of Albedo talking with Sara in Good Hunter. Her face is red like tomato.

"Sucrose? What do you want to order? Why your face's red? Still thinking about Mona's predictions, huh?" Albedo grinned at Sucrose's red face. "Sometimes, her future-predicting powers as an astrologist is a bit weird. But her predictions are always accurate. Falling in love with someone is normal, so no need to worry."

"Y-yeah, haha," Sucrose chuckled awkwardly. "By the way, I feel like ordering..."


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