History Discovers Historian

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Diana picked up a boulder that blocked the cave entrance, setting it carefully aside before reaching for another.

About three minutes ago, while flying above the lush green mountains near the coast of Cambodia, she had heard a faint rumbling sound; thunderous and harsh, the noise was quite familiar to her.

In her youth, Diana had encountered only one situation where she had heard the earth create such a clamor. Whilst napping at the cliffside, the rumbling had woken her from her peaceful rest. Chunks of earth tumbled from the peak above her, and, in being as young and inexperienced in the world as she was at the age of 8, she stood frozen and transfixed in the terrifying display of Gaea's might. But just as quick as she had woken, she was picked up in strong, protective arms, like a lioness with their cub, and brought to safety.

She remembered this situation well. It was the first time she had realized her mother, the queen Hippolyta, had stationed amazons to watch over her. It felt a bit like spying, but Diana eventually concluded that sometimes, everyone needed a "spy" to watch over them.

Right now, whoever had been traversing the area would need a "spy." There was no mistaking the earth's roar; there had been a landslide.

Thick brown clouds rose into the air from where mounds of rock, dirt, tree trunks, and other debris rested across a hiking path. Upon seeing the path, Diana had sprung into action and surveyed the area for people, listening intently for voices through the unsettlingly quiet atmosphere. She found no evidence of anyone being on this path, and she correctly assumed that no man had set foot on it for some time; grass had overgrown beyond the small pebbles placed to each side.

She glided up the hillside, weaving through trees and debris with precision, the wind flowing wildly through her hair. This was far beyond the trail, but well within the path of destruction. And there she saw it: a little glint of red had caught her eye.

A pair of bright red climbing axes with black grips.

And so, for the past five minutes now, she had been urgently digging through the debris, hoping that she would not find a body.

"There we are," Diana muttered to herself as she set down the last piece of rock that had blocked the cave entrance.

Down the rabbit hole she went.

The cave entrance led to a system of tunnels that were wide and spacious, but unfortunately were quite steep. No human would be able to climb back up without their climbing axes... Great Hera, who in their right mind would go explore these depths without a means of getting out?

Diana didn't know how deep she had gone before she entered a grotto, with stalagmites rising from the cold, damp floors and stalactites hanging from the ceiling. It was quite beautiful, and the amazon wished she could capture a photo of the scenery. But she wasn't here to take pictures, and she doubted that the explorer who was trapped within the cave cared much for—

There it was again, that terrible tremoring noise! Louder than ever, it had to be close.

It was unlikely to be an earthquake, since it seemed like it only affected a single area (though, a rather large area). Was something triggering this?


Diana made haste, knowing that the situation had become far more actively dangerous. And then—

"JONAH!!!" A feminine voice called out from the darkness, echoing through the cave.

"Hello?!" Diana shouted, hoping they could hear her. Clearly headed in the right direction, she needed the explorer to speak one more time so she could pinpoint her exact spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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