Chapter 1: The Newbie

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What a nice day it was to go to the festival. But not a nice day to go to school. Yoimiya was an 18 year old girl who had blonde hair and shining sunset-like eyes. She had a very joyful personality, and had many many friends. Also, she had this crush on someone. His name was Kazuha. He was Yoimiya's crush when she was small too. He had beautiful white long hair, with a highlight of red. He had calm red eyes, and he was tall. Not to mention he was the top of the class too.
Back to the story, Yoimiya was literally dragging herself at this point. She needed something to cheer her up. So she took out her phone.

Yoimiya ;)

Anyone have any good news or smth?



Kamisato Ayaka

Because she is down and she needs some good news.

Yoimiya ;)

Yup you got that right

Kamisato Ayaka

Could you please put a comma after the 'Yup' and put a period at the end of your sentence? It is not hard to have correct sentence structure.


Yes, indeed. And wasn't my name 'Sangonomiya Kokomi' before? Now it is 'SalmonellaKokomi'. I do not understand.


Stop texting please. I am trying to relax here.

Yoimiya closed her phone. That was all she needed. She walked to class, and was surprised by Kokomi.

- Hello! Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you?

- Yes.

- Oh. Alright then.

Kokomi smiled warmly. Yoimiya sat down at her desk and unpacked her books. She looked around the classroom, and she spotted Kazuha leaning against a wall, closing his eyes with headphones on. Her heart skipped a beat.

- Well, isn't someone daydreaming about her new boyfriend.

Laughed a voice.

- Shut up, Itto.

A purple-haired girl pushed Itto.

- Stop bothering her.

She scolded. Itto scoffed and pushed the girl back.

- What, do you want to fight again, Sara? Or are you a chicken?

Sara narrowed her eyes.

- Don't go crying like a baby when I beat you.

Then they were about to pounce on each other, until the teacher came in.

- Class! We have a new student today! Please welcome Ayato!

Ayato? Isn't that Ayaka's brother? Yoimiya thought. Then he walked in. Ayato was a person with blue hair, like Ayaka, and was very tall.

- Greetings.

Said Ayato. The teacher then assigned him to a seat next to Yoimiya.

- Hello! Ayato, right?

Yoimiya cheerfully said. He smiled at her and nodded.

- Indeed. And you are?

- Yoimiya. Nice to meet you.

They then shook hands. Suddenly, she heard a light snarl coming from the back of the class. She turned and saw Kazuha eyeing Ayato in a not-so friendly way. Was he jealous? No way, he probably doesn't even like her anyway. She released Ayato's hand, and class started.

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