Martini Blue 1.3

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*Present time (5 months after)*

When they reached their block, the two got off the shuttle. She was walking side by side with Luthor, their hands intertwined, "You didn't look like the guy who'd love PDA when I first met you Lulu" Lorelei said.

Her physique looked small beside the tall man. The staff and assistants looked at the two enviously. They did not expect 4 people to accompany them upon moving in.

Luthor looked at her with a tiny smirk. He then pulled Lorelei closer, placing his left hand around her shoulders, the woman tried to wriggle away, "But this would be too much darling" she whispered. "Keep still, Mufasa's eyes are watching us".

Mufasa Lorelei rolled the name on her tongue. That's her target to get close to, "The Dragon's" wife, but of course Luthor wouldn't know. All she told him was it's her dream to reside here. To grow a family of four and live simply. Before she married him, she vowed to keep her real identity hidden. Lorelei only allowed Luthor to see her as a business woman, particularly an owner of a clothing company, her another cover up story. As a secret agent, she also told him that it wasn't easy to buy a lot since Mufasa, has her extreme and unique ways to verify a couple. This explain's Luthor's extra sweet gesture. The man seemed to love her though and he fonds her so much. During their entire 5 months of marriage, she did grew feelings and attachment to him. It felt like, it could go on for eternity.

Lorelei looked at him with admiration.

"This will be your main gate, it's also automated. We will hand you the remote to that and oh, a few steps ahead will be a little fountain, cute isn't it?" the staff's voice pulled her back from her trance. Lorelei snorted, trying to stop herself from laughing. The staff does have a way to humor her clients.

"How long have you two been married?" the leading staff asked as she peeked a glance at the couple. Lorelei answered her since Luthor seemed uninterested in conversing, his gaze maintained on the front.

"5 months and forever, hopefully" she chuckled which led the staff to smile awkwardly.

Not a fan of romance, I see

Lorelei thought.

When one of the ladies reached a gigantic aluminum door, she then handed the emergency keys and the passcode to Luthor and smiled sweetly, obviously favoring the man.

Lorelei almost entertained the idea of carving out the lady's eyes.

No one's touching my husband

she thought but of course she stuck to her facade, the sweet and loving wife.

"Enjoy your new home Mr. and Mrs. Mendez. We are so happy to welcome you as our newest resident" the staff said and glanced at the remaining three people who immediately got her signal. They lined up together and readied themselves to say their  tagline, "Dives vobiscum sit"  (May the rich be with you).

As soon as the door closes, Lorelei expressed a long sigh of relief. She completed her crucial task, to infiltrate. And now, she is to observe the target.

Not minding the man who had his arms crossed over his chest and has been staring at her every move, Lorelei walked near the huge glass window. The view led to an unmaintained garden. Lorelei frowned at this, "You think I should change the curtains?" Luthor shrugged, "I don't think so".

She looked at him and scrunched her nose, "I think, I do".

Luthor shook his head, his eyes roamed around the entire house, their new home. Since they bought it as fully furnished and there was nothing left to buy but their clothes and some personal things, the man asked his lovely wife, "Like some tea, honey?" though this was endearing to hear, sometimes Lorelei would froze at his voice.

Though they were 5 months married considering her background, she would still think Luthor is still unknown to her. There were times she would challenge his patience and observe his reactions to her every banter.  Just to see if he had this certain negativity that would immediately make Lorelei stop this entire thing. She's afraid, she's becoming weaker for him and if she falls hard in love, she hopes she'll make the right choice to choose him over anything else.

However, he seemed to be clean. Even when she did a quick background check on the guy, came out he had no records to be feared for, free from illegal things, she held on to that.

Lorelei threw him a warm smile and nodded her head, "Sure, Love. I'll contact the driver, see if they had our stuffs delivered already" she then walked towards the living room and brought out her phone.

Luthor continued to the kitchen and brew them some tea. He does it so well that his wife who doesn't like tea before, now loves it very much. Only when he makes it himself.

*Bzzzt Bzzzt*

Something's vibrating from his pocket, he subtly took out his phone and read the message. Luthor pursed his lips and thought of a perfect excuse to leave the Mendez residence.

"Hey, Love? I'll be stepping outside for a bit. I think I really need to change those curtains" before Luthor could think and utter a word, Lorelei popped out of their grand doorway. She walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his big ones. The man nodded at her and gently kisses her forehead. He seemed relieved for she spared him to create his own reason.

Lorelei frowned at him, "You're not offering to go with me?—" but she took it back with a giddy smile, "–Just kidding, I can do it myself. You can go to wherever you were about to go, Love" then she winked at him.

Luthor's jaw clenched at her words but quickly relaxes and twirled Lorelei into a tight hug, "What makes you think I'm going somewhere?" he asked, hiding his face from her.

The woman chuckled as she leaned her head on his chest, "I just knew, I saw you reading something on your phone and then your expression changes as if it's something serious and theeen~" Lorelei stated in a singsong tone, she then unclasped herself from the hug and pointed at the tea her husband was making, "–This does not look like a tea The Lucian—Thoren—Mendez would make" she copied how Luthor introduced himself the very first time. (She thought he's an arrogant son of a bitch)

The man glanced at the same cup she was pointing at and saw that it looked unpleasant, if it's a word to describe it.

"How observant of you, Love. You're right, I have to go back to the office. There seems to be a problem in one of our railroad projects. Then I have to be on site" he responded.

Lorelei looked up to him and nodded her head. "Oh, I guess I was right then. It was just my hunch but you know... A wife's instinct" again, she winked at him teasingly.

Luthor crept a small smile at her and hugged her tiny waist. This woman is just too adorable in his eyes. Lorelei hugged him back, "But you got to book a grab or something, we don't have our cars since you said we should try their shuttle" his wife muffled but he still heard it clearly "Okay. I'll book now" he said, looking at his phone but still caging her in an embrace.

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