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❝𝑾𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒐.❞ - 𝑯𝒐𝒛𝒊𝒆𝒓


Lilith started the 24th of December by waking up early in the morning to get ready for everything she had to do for today.

First of all, she headed to the new Weasley store knowing Fred wouldn't be there yet since he had planned to visit Azkaban. Arriving at the place, which clearly was way more sober and frivolous than Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes -- clearly, the twins were not planning to make that shop theirs, showing how they wanted to be as less involved as possible in it --, surprising George who was behind the counter and Theo, who was showing some people the new items that had arrived this morning.

"Good morning, Lilith," George greeted right after Theo left a quick kiss on her cheek and continued with his work. The ginger was quite surprised to see his sister-in-law at the store, but the surprise wouldn't stop him from showing his natural charm, "How are you doing, mate?"

"Hi," she smiled, coming closer. "I'm doing quite good, what about you?"

"As good as I could be."

"Nice! And Willow?"

George's eyes shined back with love and Lilith's smile grew. It was honestly beautiful to be able to witness with such detail the bright that shined back in someone who was completely and irrevocably in love.

"She's doing fine. Saw her yesterday, Theo told me she's visiting her mum today so she won't come to the pub later in the evening."

"Oh, well, I hope I get to see her at tomorrow's dinner at my manor."

"Sure! How can I help you?" he finally got to the point, noticing that she seemed a bit shy to bring the situation up since even though there was cordiality between them two, they hadn't gotten to know each other properly until now.

Lilith sighed, thanking George silently.

"I'm looking for a gift for your twin. I know it's a bit weird and unclassy to buy it from his own store but since Zonko's closed, you two are the only ones who have interesting stuff and I highly doubt your twin would appreciate a ring or any other piece of jewellery more than what I have in mind."

"Tell me, what are you thinking about?"

Lilith smiled again, "Can you show me your erotic section?"

George snickered. That woman definitely knew what Fred liked.

"Oh, I see...you are planning to make him fall in love with you, aren't you?" he chuckled again, walking away from the counter, "Follow me."

Once her shopping was done, Lilith prepared herself for what came next. As she had promised, she was going to visit her nan Eileen on her special day. Eileen was becoming a 73-year-old woman today, with the years and the traumas weighing on her back and making her look slightly older but with her still being happy to be on this world for another year by her granddaughter's side.

Eileen convinced Lilith to stay for lunch after having received her birthday present -- a very tasteful golden ring with the shape of a snake, that Eileen pretty much liked and appreciated -- to see if Lilith's presence could bring some peace to Circe's tormented thoughts and feelings. She knew Lilith would probably keep her answers to her mother's attempts of starting a conversation quite succinct but even with the dryness in her words, Eileen knew Circe was thankful for Lilith being there, Severus on the other hand, was another story.

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