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The past night was still dull to Baekhyun. He knew he heard that name before but can't remember where or when. After the commotion, the taller walked out from the house and the two of them were left hanging in the kitchen. The whistling wind was the only sound that can be heard. As usual his daughter is like a ball of sunshine, as a mere child, she didn't fully understand. Divorce, separation, broken are words that can easily slipped through his innocent mind. The next day, she's all bubbly as if there no news that his parents are separating and she'll be having a broken family.

Waking from the thoughts that were slumbering in Baekhyun's mind, he stand up, waking his daughter for her school.

"Minyeong, wake up now." on cue, Minyeong wakes up and proceed in her bathroom. Comforter hugging her petite body, her hair is a mess. The brunette guy smiles sheepishly, he never thought that he'll have this blessing, such a shame to Minyeong's biological parents. They left the opportunity within this child. The girl's room was filled with different posters stacked up on the white walls while her bed was personally made by Chanyeol. Different shapes of butterfly decorated the wall just above the bed's head board.

Baekhyun help his daughter to change in her school uniform, multitasking in calling Sehun.

Sehun is his long time friend. He met him together with Chanyeol as the two of them are best friend and Baekhyun entered the picture. Now, the latter is one of the best lawyer in the city. They still communicate each other to catch up the happenings in their life, and sometimes going out to have a small break between their busy life. After the brunette drop Minyeong in one of the school just across the street. He went straight to the firm where Sehun works. Not to mention, they live in the middle part of the city making things a lot accessible than in their previous house at the northest part, where the sea lays.

He parked their Mercedes Benz C-class Coupe at the front of the said building. Baekhyun kills the engine while checking his long sleeve dress. Satisfied with his looks, he hop off of the car, even walkers turn their head to the said guy. His brunette hair complementing his pearly white skin, little eyes covered with black linings, emphasizing his bold personality but soft as cotton. He shrug the eyes darted on him as he was greeted by the guard, pointing at the lobby

"Good Morning, is Oh Sehun in here already?" Baekhyun politely asked the woman. It takes a few minutes before he receives an answer. The woman is in her early 20's, face was still fresh from stress but she's gaping at Baekhyun. A guy whose age is going 31, yet, he's still attractive as hell.


"O-oh! Sorry sir." She said. Her hands lightly shaking from the sudden voice.

"It's okay. Is he here?"he repeated as his eye crinkles from delight, forming into two shining crescent moons. "Yes sir, please proceed to the 5th floor at the far side of the floor." He nods his head like an obedient kid as he follows the woman's instruction.


"Good Morning." a doe-eyed man greeted his incoming boss. The man wears suit, his black shoes are neatly polished;shining and luxurious. Hi forehead start to crease as he watch his boss, staring into nothingness.

"Is that how you greet your secretary or mind you CEO Park, I'm you borfriend for pete's sake!" the man dramatically exclaimed giving the taller a wave of shock. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that." yoda replied, he raised his head to gave his boyfriend a small smile before kissing he's forehead.

Do Kyungsoo was the man who turns the giant heart upside down. They met in some charity that the company were doing every year. Unfortunately, they did it to the one of school that was just a meter away from their house. They become close friends, share some stories until they are in each other arms. Behind the brunette's back, noted.

Kyungsoo was well aware about their hidden relationship. In just a span of time, they will be legally in everyone's eye. "Tss. Who says who, Byun Baekhyun?" as he mocked the picture he kept years ago. He agreed to be the third wheel for the mean time, everyday he kept asking the CEO when can he announce that they're official. Purposely, to feed the curious meters of the other employees.

"I'm gonna make your life a living hell, biatch."


"Long time no see, hyun!" the lawyer excitedly exclaimed as he saw a little midget walking towards his direction. Earlier, he receive an intercom from the receptionist about a certain guy asking for him.

"Sir, someone's going to your office."


"I'm deeply apologizing sir but I didn't have the chance to ask his name. His like a midget."

It ends like that and by the mention of midget, he knows that Baekhyun is approaching. "Back off!" a loud thud was heard because let's just say that the professional lawyer jump the hell out of him to his hyun.

"Mother fvcking hell Oh Sehun! are you a kid?" that was the cue to stand up and atleast straighten his personality, Enemy detected, warning, warning.

"Sorry Hyun, just a little bit excited." the latter rolled his eyes. He by pass the taller one to make himself a lot more comfortable in the office of his dear friend. "What brings you hear?" Sehun asked while typing the neglected paper works on his table. He knows something was off, Baek doesn't visit him as often as this week.

"Nothing, just missing you." Sehun looked at his hyung only to find those pretty lips forming into an exaggerated kissing pout, hands clasped to each other. His face turns into poker face to a frowning one.

"What? You? missing me? LOL." the smaller gladly raised his two middle finger to Sehun while uttering some mantra 'rott in hell'. Like that. So cute-no.

They tease each other like that for some couple of minutes. After some more, Baekhyun stood up and made his way to Sehun. The taller quirk his left eyebrow while watching his favorite hyung, doing his infamous cat walk.

"Now,now, hyung. What do you need." It's a statement, Sehun knows that Baekhyun will not tell him as long as he remain quiet so he make his first move.

"I'll file a divorce, annulment or separation thing, I don't know." he said nonchalantly, resting his butt in one of the couch.

"What?! to who?!"

"Do I look like I have multiple husband?!" Is this some kind of comedy, angst?


No proof read, nigguh.

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