🏥 SWAP Hospital 🏥

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So in the School Chapter We Saw Billy was the Teacher and we met Foxy as Bunny cause yes now we are at the Hospital

Doggy woke up feeling really sore expressly oh his Brain and pelvis

"Ugh what happened..?" Doggy asked with the last thing he remembers was talking to a very tall figure

"Where am I?" Doggy asked looking around the room to see Foxy he looked really tired and was just really spaced out for some reason

Foxy then looked and noticed that Doggy was awake and it made Foxy look like he had seen a Ghost

"Foxy? Are you okay? What happened?" Doggy asked looking directly at Foxy

Foxy was mute for a moment then he had the straight to say something

"Doggy.. Your awake look we don't have much time an infected broke in and infected one of the Doctors we need to go now" Foxy said

"How long was I out?" Doggy asked

".. No time to say Ms.P and the others are waiting on the roof come on!" Foxy said

"Umm Okay" Doggy said walking out of the room

"Doggy wait!" Foxy ran to Doggy when he said that

"What is it?" Doggy asked

"You might need this" Foxy said giving Doggy his lumberjack axe

"Oh thanks Foxy" Doggy said

"Your welcome" Foxy said going back to the room he was in

Doggy walked to one of the hallways to see some infected hospital Patients

"Poor guys..(and other genders) They where too sick to defend themselves.." Doggy said feeling bad for the patients when he noticed something had came out of one of the rooms it was...

" Doggy said feeling bad for the patients when he noticed something had came out of one of the rooms it was

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Doctor Badgy Badly Badger! Seems like he was the Doctor that Foxy was talking about

"Huh you are surprisingly small" Doggy said looking down at The Smaller Badger he was still taller than Rash tho

Badgy tried to stab Doggy with the sword that he was hold that was almost taller than his body

"WOW" Doggy yelled out moving out of the sword way

Doggy than grabbed Badgy's sword and throw Badgy agents a wall

"RAAAAA!" Badgy cried out jumping on Doggy started to punch Doggy across the face left and right

"SHIT HELP!" Doggy yelled out

Badgy grabbed his sword screamed out a d tried to fire when

"I'm sorry Badgy.." Foxy said shooting a knife right in the back of Badgy's skull knocking him self unconscious

"Wow thanks for the save Foxy" Doggy said

"Yeah.. no problem Doggy" Foxy said looking at Doggy like he was some random crazy person

"Foxy is something wrong?" Doggy asked

"No no it's nothing let's.. let's just try to get out of here" Foxy said walking off

Something is up with Foxy but what is it?

~~~~~Yes Another Lazy time skip~~~~~

"Doggy we are almost on the roof we just need to break these boards" Foxy Said

"Oh don't worry I got this" Doggy said

"Oh do you have the hammer-" Foxy was cut off when doggy started to chop the door down with his axe

"Was that necessary?" Foxy asked looking a little scared

"Nope but it got the door down" Doggy said pointing at the door

"Well I don't agree with that method but I can't argue with the results" Foxy said

The two got to the roof of the Hospital expecting Ms.P abd a helicopter but they where nowhere to be seen

"Where are they..?" Doggy asked

"They.. They left us here.." Foxy said looking like he is about to cry

"Hey Foxy it's ok" Doggy said

Foxy just ran into Doggy's arm's and cried

"Look we will find another way out of here" Doggy said trying to comfort Foxy

"I.. think I know a place..." Foxy said

"Where is it?" Doggy asked

"It's under the Hospital just follow me..." Foxy said getting out of Doggy's arm's

Doggy and Foxy both walked back in the hospital to find the stairs to the place Foxy was thinking of

~~~~~~~~~~End Of Chapter~~~~~~~~~

Thanks for Reading this Chapter of the SWAP AU

So Badgy is the new Beary Ms.P left Doggy and Foxy so now they are heading down to the metro

721 words

Thanks for reading Bye 👋
(Also for the person I will SWAP In Badgy's place should I use the normal one or the alt Badgy?)

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