Chapter 26: The first meeting after 14 years part 2

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Carlie POV I jogged to Mum, Rm and Jazz in anticipation. When i got to where they should be, Mum was missing? Where's Mum? I asked and looked around frantically her dissapering was not part of the plan. Realex Carlie she's catching up with the pixie girl Em said grinning. Oh and by the way did you see that hot blonde? She is smoking he said wiggling his eye brows. Rose i corrected him. Does not do long relationships i informed him. He smiled wider even better i bet she's good in bed he said looking dazed for a minute. Ew that's gross Em, but then again you do sound like her i admitted. Dude the small girl is hotter then blonde Jazz said smirking. Alright that's enough i don't want to listen to your who's hotter and better in bed debate i just need to tell you the new plan i said exasperated. Fine hook me up with hot blonde and Jazz up with pixie girl and we'll stop and listen Em said i huffed. Fine i'll do my best i told them the plan and showed them the closet my Carlie aren't you a devious little girl? Em laughed after i told him it was my idea. I laughed and nodded, if this doesn't work out I'll miss them i though sadly but quickly shook that thought away. Alright guys go get dad, Rose will get mom, Alice will distract Tanya and Ness and me will check up on everyone to see if everything is going smoothly i said quickly. Why do you guys get the easy job? Em grumbled. I shot him a sharp look saying shut up. Alright we're going Em said and Jazz and him jogged down the hall towards Edward. I started running to Ness but stopped when i spotted six walkie talkies outside of the airplanes' hotel room. The door had a number 85 and a sign DO NOT DISTURB. I grabbed the walkie talkies and ran in the direction of Ness faster then before just in case if someone was watching. When i got to Ness i gave her 3 walkie talkies and kept the other 3. We'll need to split up to give this to Em, Jazz, Rose and Alice i said she nodded. You take Rose and Alice and i'll take Em and Jazz, i nodded we slapped hands and ran in opposite direction, i got to Rose and Mum just a second before Alice and Tanya showed up next to them. Fortunately no one saw me. I hid in the fake, plastic bushes and waited for mom and Tanya's backs to be turned, i saw mom and Tanya talking for a minute by the bar. Mum held a drunken Blue Moon beer in her hands, they were both talking amitedly but Mum looked sad. Her hair was a complete ragged mess and she had a bit of puffy eyes and nose, it was obvious she had been crying. I caught Rose's eye and gestured her to come next to me, she told Al something and pointed in the general direction i was in. Al nodded and Rose ran quickly to me and pretended to take a call by putting her cell to her ear. What? She hissed it's nice to see you to i said teasingly, she narrowed her eyes, fine no jokes i grumbled but quickly pulled out the to walkie talkies here for you and Al i said. She nodded and stuffed them in her bag, i crept back to were the fake plants ended and ran to the exit, that was easier then i thought i said to myself. Nessie? i said in to the walkie talkie, right she whispered. Did you give the walkie talkies to Em and Jazz? i asked yep i heard they say in unison and laugh, did you give it to Ness started yep fashion lady and sexy chick are reporting for duty Alice said. Lemme guess Al your fashion lady and Rose is sexy chick? i snickered Rose always has been vain and Alice well she has to shop if there's a store anywhere in a ten mile radius, this must be hard for here. If Rose is sexy chick then i am, Em started. Stop we need to focus i said pulling all of their attention back to the Parent Trap. Yeah Ness agreed, now Em and Jazz distract dad and bring him to the janitor closet thats next to room 24 Ness directed. Rose bring mom to the janitors closet but Al keep Tanya away from it i said. I checked once more on Rose and Alice. Alice was practically dragging a protesting Tanya out of the bar and in the direction of the outside exit, mean while Rose was walking and talking with a bit of a tipsy mom. I scurried out of their way but followed them and kept out of sight. Finally this was it, we were almost at the janitors closet. In the distance i heard dad pounding on the door and yelling at Em and Jazz. I got closer to mom and Rose which were at the closet. What's going on? Mum questioned curiously and cautiously, they all grinned at each other and grabbed mom, stuffed her in to the closet and locked them both out. I never thought this would actually work i thought to myself. But thats when Tanya rounded the corner with Alice trying to restrain her from going after dad in the closet.

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