The Rewrite : Katana Black Arc I Part II

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8 Months ago...

            Hatred had sent Akira another letter, Hatred knew that Akira was in the Nightmare Cult, regardless they still insisted on talking to each other considering they have been together since they were kids in the Files Lab. Akira was a Demon experiment while Hatred was a Hate subject. The Files Lab was an illegal organization who did experiments on orphan children; Hatred and Akira happened to be one of those orphans. As time progressed the experiments were getting harsher and inhumane at that point of time. It was unbearable, so soon they made an escape in an attempt to get away successfully and thank god they did.

Akira got up while she heard to hoots from the owl who was not too far away from where she was located. Akira opens her window and sticks out her arm for the bird to land, the owl came and perched on her arm, offering the letter to Akira. It was a letter from Hatred though on numerous accounts Akira has asked Hatred to stop, or they will think that Hatred betrayed them. "Sigh, Hatred you need to stop sending letters to me you'll get yourself exposed." Akira opened the letter it was short and only one paragraph. The letter stated the following...

"Dear, Akira

I hope this letter finds you in good health, but I will be traveling to Ryha's house and soon start combat training for the war to come. Akira, please get ready for this war for now the Chara Cult has a truce with the Nightmare Cult but soon we will have to fight each other so I want to invite you to come with and join the Chara Cult please think about this and tell me your answer soon.

                                                                                                   -Love, Hatred"

Akira was in shock she knew about Hatred's non-combat lifestyle. Akira thought about the offer for a moment, but she could never betray her father the leader of the Nightmare cult, but she thought. 'What if Hatred joined us instead, it would be a win, win Hatred and Miles will meet each other again after so long (Since they were both Hate subjects, they frequently saw each other but during the Accident Hatred was separated from him and went with Akira. Though Demons physically age slower than humans after Hatred was evaluated on with Hate they had become a hate demon making Hatred much older than they look.

Suddenly the grounding was quaking, and then the sands of time showered from above and the universe was shifting the walls of reality breaking and shattering into pieces.

Rendering added objects...

Akira woke up, but she wasn't laying down she was standing...did she fall asleep standing?? While wondering what she was doing her head starting aching in agony like if bells were ringing in her head alarming her that was messing with her head. She decided maybe a nap would help and rested on the bed and soon her eyes went shut and she was fast asleep.

At Hatred's location aka Ryha's house... Sometime before the event

Hatred and Ryha were training just outside of the small shack, soon the Rewrite occurred an event where the worlds formula was rewritten, sand falling, realities shattering, the walls of time forging new pathways. Hatred awoke midway a battle with Ryha, but something was off to them they had felt taller? They could tell something had happened had they shifted in a new form? Or were they a completely different person. Hatred stopped and looked at Ryha he was also different. 'What happened?' Was a question ringing in everyone's minds. "Ryha?... Is that you? What happened?" Hatred's voice was deeper than usual, and their way of speaking had changed. Hatred ran into the house stumbling without letting Ryha reply to their question. Hatred tripped and fell multiple times on the way to the small abode, because of the unfamiliar height of theirs. Hatred reached the house  yanking the door and dashed to the bathroom. "...." Hatred was shocked their appearance had changed, more like evolved in the least. As they suspected they were taller, their hair was cut shorter, their outfit was different, and the had horns and tail? They weren't confused they knew they were a demon but at the same time they have no idea what just happened to them. Then they realized their head was aching in pain, it was unbearable and pulsating they screamed as their head continued to ache. Hatred received many commands from their brain collecting new but old memories that had happened. "....." And like that the pain ended; they understood the recent event it was a shift in time like history re-written something that happens if time took a different turn, if different choices were made. Suddenly they remembered Hatred was a Hatred Demon experiment, long ago about 300 years Hatred was a mere infant , but nearby an accident happened; a strange man who went by "Dr. Eon" had taken the Hatred and another child that was named "Scratch" to the underworld for EOL (experiment on life). The infant was named Hatred Evergreen, Hatred was used to make the first Hatred Demon that didn't originate from Hell and for Scratch? Well only god knows what happened if he even exists to this current day. Ryha ran into the room interrupting Hatred's thought, "There was a rewrite event, where the plot shifts its course but..." Ryha leaving his trail of thought. Hatred filled with questions "But, what?" Hatred was curious of what he meant was it a bad thing or good thing. "The thing is the plot changed its course after the event already occurred, Hatred do you have new memories?" Hatred thought about for a second "Yes, I do; when I was a child instead being in the Files Lab, I was in some other EOL corporation in the underworld," The thought of Hatred of being in something that major surprised him, Ryha took another look at Hatred; they were much taller at least 6-7 inches more, but they had horns and tail and more hate gooping from their face. 'Hatred was apart of the infamous "Human Hate" Experiment', An experimentA side affect of the hate being injected was becoming a demon, which the EOL company had soon found out. Still they felt successful in their project, making a human into a demon. "Ah, that makes sense; let's continue your training," Ryha was still considerate even after this kind of event. "Well, I don't think that will be necessary; After the shift and being the EOL co. I learned to fight there so, I guess I won't have to be bothering you for any longer," Hatred let out a small chuckle. Ryha knew this would happen, so he'd let them go and continue their journey. "Well, have fun retuning the Chara Cult. I'll remain here until the war ends." Hatred smiled and proceeded to pack their things. "Well, Ryha I'll see you after the war,"
Hatred hugs Ryha before exiting the shack.

Back at the Nightmare Base

Akira woke from her long nap having a few hours pass by Akira's headache had passed taking in what the recent events had just slapped her with. She sits up and takes a few breaths and she exits the chamber going to counter her father with what just happened.

To be continued in RP

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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