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It was the middle of the Clone Wars. The chances for peace with the Republic and with the Separatists were gone with senator Mina Bonteri when she was murdered. Many would have wished that the war would have ended already. Between them were two devaronians, who wished to have an audience with the Jedi order. Due to the situation, that was hard to arrange. But they kept repeating saying "this was a matter of the most importance."

It did take some time, but soon, with assistance from senator Bail Organa, they were able to arrange the meeting. Master Windu and Master Plo were sent to meet the devaronians in Alderaan.

The meeting was agreed to have one of the tall public balconies in the city with a good view of the city. Master Windu and Master Plo arrived there first and soon after arrived senator Organa with the male devaronian.

"Tac Brew, I presume?" Master Windu confirmed. Tac Brew was the name of the devaronian who requested this meeting. "You wanted to see us?"

"Yes. Thank you for meeting us here, master Jedi." Tac Brew said.

"Why did you want to meet us?" Master Plo asked.

"It's about a person, a child I promised to let you to meet." Tac Brew said and then nodded to Senator Organa.

He took a folded paper from the inside pocket of his robe.

"The child gave me this yesterday," Organa said as he gave the folded paper to Master Windu.

When he opened it, both he and Master Plo were a little surprised at what they were looking at. A drawing about the very exact moment. Two Jedis, one human, and one kel dor meeting another human with a fancy robe and a male devaronian. Everything, even the details of the balcony and the sun's position matched the present moment they were standing.

"When was this picture made?" Master Plo asked.

"If I remember right, she made that six months ago," Tac said.

"Are you saying this child of yours can draw the future?" Master Windu inquired.

"Oh, no. She is not my child." Tac corrected. "Her parents left her with us ten months ago. According to them, she has had this ability since she was four years old. They said we should bring her to you before they left."

"Why? Where are they now?" Master Plo asked.

" I don't know where they went," Tac said. "I tried to ask, but they came and left quickly. They said that the only safe place for her will be in the Jedi order. I haven't seen them ever since then. The child...."

He stayed silent for a moment then he finally said... "She says they are already dead."

"Why does she say that?" Master Windu asked.

"I'm not sure," Tac said. "But a few weeks after that day she cried a lot and showed us a picture of a ship being attacked and destroyed."

"It was a picture of their ship, wasn't it?" Master Plo guessed.

"Yes. Ever since then she kept drawing and drawing many other pictures, including this one." Tac said as he pointed to the picture they held.

Master Windu and Master Plo shared looks. It was unexpected to find someone with detailed vision skills during the Clone Wars. Then again, maybe there were people like them. Maybe they stayed on the neutral planets so they wouldn't come to the light. But a child, with these talents? Left by her parents and requested to go with the Jedi? This gift must be more than it seems.

"I think I understand the concern," Master Plo said as he looked at the picture. "If someone holds this kind of gift in the time of war, enemies will do anything to get their hands on them."

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