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Requested by AfiaRiaz

"Alright good! We're finally done!!" Yoongi turned to his members as they were gathered inside one of their studio booths after finishing recording a song. Yoongi was producing this one, one of many he'd already produced for the band.

The members poured out of the booth to hover around Yoongi and have a listen to it.

"Oooo that sounds great hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jungkook clapped for Jimin's part, and all the members were in awe of Jungkook's vocals on the piece.

"Ahh Yoongi-ah... you make us sound amazing," Jin cheered to his second in command.

"Well you guys make it easy because you're already good singers. I don't really have to edit all that much."

"I guess that's a wrap!" Namjoon said as he clapped his hands together, followed by everyone clapping for a job well done. They could finally go home. Taehyung asked Yoongi if he could use the computer to work on some of his solo stuff that he'd already started. He figured since their schedule was done for the day he could use the extra time to be productive.

"You can work on it, I don't care." Yoongi got out of his seat and gestured for Taehyung to sit.

"Just make sure you're home for dinner, we're making gimbap!" Hobi shouted excitedly. Taehyung told them he wouldn't be too long and said goodbye while the rest of them disappeared out the door. He put headphones in and concentrated on his mixtape, using some of Yoongi's microphones to record certain parts. He thought his Yoongi hyung always had the coolest and most up to date equipment. While lost in his work, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his staff member, Hyo, who had entered.

"Didn't the rest of the members leave already?" Hyo asked.

"Yeah, I'm working on my mixtape. Tell me what you think!" Taehyung said as he played some of his stuff for his staff. Hyo told him how awesome it sounded, "But you should get going. It's late and a lot of people are going home."

"Ah, okay, okay." Taehyung saved his work and quickly gathered his belongings and headed home. Hyo stayed behind to clean some stuff up in the recording room when he noticed Taehyung had left some files open and the computer on. Hyo went over and wasn't familiar with the program that was up so he began clicking a bunch of buttons until all of the tabs had closed, and then he turned off the computer.

The next morning, the members arrived at work early. They had more recordings to do for songs. Yoongi had come up with some extra ideas for the one they had finished recording yesterday. He wanted Jungkook and Jin to do a few more adlibs. When they got into the room Yoongi powered on the computer, immediately looking for the file of their song.

Except he couldn't find it.

"Taehyung where did the file go?" Yoongi turned to Taehyung. Everyone looked at the younger.

"I don't know, wherever you put it."

"It's not where I put it. I can't find it anywhere."

Jin chimed in, "Did you save it under a different name maybe?" All of the members were getting nervous, they were silently praying that Yoongi was making some kind of mistake.

"I know what I named it and where I saved it, it's not here." Yoongi began frantically searching through every file on the computer before turning back to Taehyung, "Taehyung did you fuckin delete it?"

"No! Of course not why would I delete it?!" Taehyung yelled defensively.

"You were the last one using the computer," Namjoon added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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