Their First Morning Together

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*Inspired by @fabypedone17, @thisis26david, and @Emma24nm*

Street woke up feeling a weight on his chest. He looked down to see Chris' head resting against him. Then, he felt their arms and legs still tangled together. He watched the way the sun shone on her skin and admired even the way she breathed. Street gently pushed some hair away from her face and quickly kissed her forehead. He couldn't help but smile and take in the sight. Still, he was in shock about what happened the night before. He had to walk himself back through last night, because it felt more like a dream than his reality.

Chris had come over and told him she was done following the rules if it meant that they couldn't be together. She had said everything he'd been aching to hear for longer than he cared to admit. After seeing the look in her eyes and hearing the desperation and pain in her voice, he folded. Street couldn't hold back any longer, and he took her in his arms and kissed her. They clung to each other like they never intended to let go. Their hands and lips explored each other in ways he had only fantasized about.

The beauty of it was that it wasn't a dream. She was in his arms and in his bed, and he didn't mind if they stayed like this forever.

Chris began to stir. She could hear a heartbeat against her ear. She looked up through her eyelashes to see Street looking down at her.

"Hey," Chris said plainly in a husky voice.

"Morning," Street replied smiling.

Chris used her arms to push herself towards Street's lips. She kissed him lightly and pulled away to take in his huge smile, his pronounced dimples, and his messy hair.

"You look happy," Chris said flirtatiously.

"Well, so do you," Street said and cupped her cheek.

"I mean I slept like a baby. Your mattress is very comfortable," Chris joked and chuckled.

"In that case, then I'll just leave you alone with my mattress and you can rest," Street jested. He shuffled a little to make it seem like he would leave the bed, even though he never wanted to.

Chris gripped his shoulder and hoisted herself fully on top of him on all fours. "Don't you dare move!"

Street snickered. "Guess you want me to stay then?"

"Guess so."

"In that case...," Street began and then playfully pushed her onto the bed beside him, so that he could get on top of her. Then, he kissed her feverishly. It sent a chill through Chris' spine. She dug her fingers into his back, and his lips traveled along her neck and onto her shoulder.

Then, they heard a phone vibrate somewhere in the distance. One of them was receiving a call.

Street lifted his head away from Chris' shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

"We don't have to answer. Whoever it is can leave a message," Chris offered and lifted her head up to kiss Street again, but the phone vibrated again. Street hung his head for a moment, and then climbed off of Chris. He grabbed the sheet to wrap around his waist while he searched for the offending phone. The phone was in his pants pocket. Street remembered Chris quickly unbuttoning his jeans as they entered his room last night. They were in such a rush to help each other out of their clothes as if they couldn't waste another moment, which explained the trail of clothes towards the bed. Snapping back to the present, he saw that it was Luca calling him and answered the phone.

"Hey, buddy," Street said brightly.

"Is everything alright? You haven't answered any of my texts," Luca replied sounding slightly concerned.

"Yeah," Street turned to see Chris watching him from his bed, "All good." Street smiled and Chris smiled back.

"Look, I'm just finishing up my extra shift. Are you still coming with me and Fowler to run drills?" Luca asked.

"Oh...umm...I've got other workout plans, but I'll see you later. Okay?"


"Cool. Bye," Street said and hung up the phone. He dropped the phone back on the floor and headed back towards the bed.

"Other workout plans, huh?" Chris asked as her eyes widened.

"Yeah. I've got a few ideas," Street replied and raised his eyebrow as he started climbing back into bed.

"As fun as that sounds, maybe we should talk about last night?" Chris offered regretfully.

"Look, we should absolutely do that, but we've got all day," Street offered and lowered himself on top of Chris slowly while kissing her neck.

Chris wanted to resist, but she couldn't help it. She pulled him closer to her and ran her hands along his back.

*Inspired by @fabypedone17, @thisis26david, and @Emma24nm*

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