Say you love me...

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Have you ever wondered about what falling in love is like?...


It was around 3:00am when Dave had called me. I was worried he sounded a bit angry but with sadness and fear mixed in, that's pretty rare when it comes to Striders.

"J-John can I come over for the night me and bro had a pretty intense strife and I-I just don't wanna stay at home tonight..."

Dave had whispered through the phone, his voice shaking.

"Uh hold on let me ask dad, get your stuff ready cause its most likely gonna be a yes."

"...okay thanks bro..."


I walked downstairs to see dad at the table reading a baking book. Yuck you hated those baked goods he always made. I walked over to where he was sitting and asked if Dave could come over

"Hey you think it would be alright if Dave could come over?..."

Your father just shook his head and waved you off. You grabbed your jacket and shoes and went on your way, Dave only lives about a block away so you just decided to walk.

As you see his house you can see him on the porch with his backpack with a red hoodie that had a slightly darker gear on it, his shades, black skinnys, and his usual red converse.

...He looks nice...

You think to yourself as you stare for a little while, Dave catches you staring and smirks

"You like what you see egdork?"

You snap out of your little Strider trance and look at Dave's face as your face grows a dark shade of red...hmm almost the color of his hoodie.

"S-shut up Dave!" John squeaks,"now get over here and give me a hug."

Dave slowly gets up from his spot on the front porch and makes his way to John. Dave wraps his arms around Johns waist and slowly picks him up.

Jegus Christ egbert is short...

Dave thought to himself. As john just accepted fate and let it happen. Well it was normal for the two of them, they were best friends.

...16 minutes later.

They had finally arrived at John's house. John grabbed Dave's hand and brought him upstairs after informing his dad that he was back and again, he just waved them off.

John had given Dave a blanket and pillow so he could sleep on the floor...but neither were sleepy yet, in fact quite the opposite but John was still worried...

"Hey...Dave...Do you mind me asking about why you and bro had such an intense strife?" John hesitantly asks.

"...I actually don't really know I guess he was a little taken aback by...what I had told him..." Dave sighed.

John was confused what could be so bad about what Dave told bro? Well I guess that depends on what he told bro...

"...well what exactly did you...tell bro to make him so well surprised?"

"Heh...I...I told him I was gay..." Dave ever so quietly spoke.

John was take aback by this too...but he wasn't surprised he was actually kind of happy. John has known that he was a homosexual for about two weeks but hasnt told anyone but the older Egbert.

Dave was starting to get worried with John's silence...but then John starts to move in to Dave closer and closer until he was almost fully on top of Dave...

What felt like hours was only seconds till John's lips had finally smashed into Dave's soft pink ones and let me tell you this kiss had lasted for almost 2 whole minute's.

When John pulled away Dave was in shock. John was a flustered mess next to his bed as Dave was still in shock, until he looked at john who was instantly regretting his decision mumbling about him being stupid and ruining their friendship.

"John..." Dave whispers with a half smirk.

"I-I am so sorry Dave I just thought that since yo-" John was cut off by Dave grabbing his chin and bringing him into another kiss. This one was quick but passionate, as Dave pulls away john slowly opens his eyes again.

"Say you love me egdork..." Dave says while taking his shades off. John has seen his eyes many times but right now they were even more beautiful than usual.

"You love me egdork." John snickers as Dave just gives him a look of disownment.

"I'm just kidding...I love you Dave..."

"I love you too Egbert."~~

~~ and that concludes my first johndave one shot I hope you liked it! Comment if you think I should make another one but of a different ship :3~~

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