Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Julian's POV

I tried to get my breath back and ignored my practically hammering heart. It was finally happening. I was getting married to the most selfless woman on this earth. Just in a couple of days, Bernadette had become an uncontrolled substance in my Universe.

With her every step toward me, I was having a problem catching my breath. Bernadette held Nick's arm as he escorted her down the long aisle. She was clutching Nicks's arm in a tight grip and I knew I was not the only one who was nervous.

The cathedral see-through veil beautifully trailed behind my soon-to-be wife as if it were an enchanted serpent. 

She was holding a bouquet of Lilian wild peonies which had specks of pink hues just like the ones on my bride's face.

Bernadette was the most charming, radiant, elegant and bewildering bride ever. White was truly her colour for it matched her pure and selfless heart.

“Please, take care of my Bernie, Sir. I am handing you a big piece of my heart and life,” Nick said as he placed Bernadette's hand over mine. He kissed her forehead, I could see how much they cared for each other.

She is a piece of my heart now, Sir,” I answered. And assisted her on the slightly elevated platform. Nick smiled, which I gladly returned.

“You look beautiful, love,” I said once Nick walked back to his seat.

“Thank you,” she looked up and gave me the most enchanting smile. I was lost in her beauty until the pastor cleared his throat.

“Dearly beloved, we have gathered here to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony. If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace,” the priest affirmed. 

I looked around to see if anyone would dare to object. As expected, no one did. Most of the guests were still having a hard time digesting the news of my unforeseen marriage. My eyes locked with Ian Parker, and then finally on his beloved son, Dylan Parker. Their crestfallen faces were a sight to see, it provided me with a sentiment of victory and satisfaction. They were still trying to figure out who the bride was. 

“Julian Thomas Robustelli, do you take Bernadette Arpina Peterson to be your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward - whether times are good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or ill; will you love, honour, and cherish her, and hold her up in faith as long as you both shall live?” the pastor asked.

“I do,”

“Bernadette Arpina Peterson do you take Julian Thomas Robustelli to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward - whether times are good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or ill; will you love, honour, and cherish him, and hold him up in faith as long as you both shall live?” the pastor asked my bride.

“I do,” came a firm yet soft voice. To say I was elated would be an understatement. My happiness knew no bounds. 

“May I have the rings, please?” the pastor asked.

My two little nephews, Jayden and Kayden, dressed in mini tuxedos, walked down the aisle carrying the wedding ring cushion on which the imitation rings were sewn. They were my cousin Liliana's twins. My eyes landed on Bernadette to see her affectionately staring at the twins.

The real wedding bands were with my best man Alex. 

“These rings represent love, pure and simple. The love God has for all creatures great and small and the love you both have for one another. When you place that ring on your partner’s finger, know that you are giving not just the gift of a ring, but also the gift of the love your creator has filled you with,” the pastor said, blessing the rings.

“Bernadette, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give you my heart and my soul. They are yours forevermore,” I said, slipping the band on her finger. It was my grandmother's wedding ring.

With this ring, you are mine forever. I can't wait to kiss you,” I leaned in and whispered near her ear. She let out a shuddering exhalation as my lips brushed against the helix of her ear.

“Julian, with this ring, I promise to love, honour, and cherish you, and to hold you up in faith, whether times are good or bad, whether we’re rich or poor, and through whatever God has in store for us, as long as I live. Please accept this ring,” she said in her melodious voice and put the gold band on my finger. 

I was never going to let this ring away from me especially when I knew my wife had spent almost all of her savings on this ring. Bernadette did not let my mother pay when they went to select the ring, yesterday. 

“Julian and Bernadette, having proclaimed your love for, and commitment to one another in the sight of the Lord and these witnesses, it is my pleasure, by the power vested in me by God, I pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may now kiss your bride!”  the pastor announced. This was it. I have been waiting for this moment since forever.

I slowly lifted her veil and pulled her to my chest with my arms around her.

I gently tucked her strand of hair behind her ear and said, “Relax, okay? Just follow me.”

Bernadette guided her soft palms around my neck. I leaned toward her and met her pink tender lips. It sent a shiver down my spine. I moved my lips against her petals. Soon enough she started to respond too. It was pure bliss, pure heaven. The kiss was then broken by a big gasp of air by both of us. We breathed to calm our racing hearts and flushed faces.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure and honour to present to you, Mr and Mrs Robustelli. Thank you so much for joining us today. God bless you all,” I heard the pastor say as I faced the guests with my precious wife.  


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