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Third Person POV!

Chester sat on a bench, his leg bent, his foot placed steadily on the bench. He had his phone in his hand, scrolling through his Snapchat. He was trying his best to avoid the conversation that was abruptly brought up by his friend.

"Chester, hey," his friend, Trevor, started over from his last sentence. "I'm trying to give you advice, ya know?"

Chester let out a deep huff, "Trevor, how would you know?" He asked. "You have only been in two relationships, both were healthy."

Trevor put his hand on Chester's shoulder, he put a different finger from another hand on his friend's phone screen, forcing it down from Chester's peripheral vision. "I know, I know," Trevor said, he stared dead at Chester, making him look up. Chester seemed slightly annoyed. "Just listen to me, alright? I'm just trying to give you advice, dude."

Chester turned his phone off and put it away. "Alright then, spit it out."

Trevor's expression eased. "Well, you should know, instead of sleeping with the whole entire football team," Trevor stopped, he saw Chester open his mouth to interrupt him, but he didn't so Trevor continued. "How about you find true love? All the people you date are absolute assholes, man."

Chester's facial expression tensed, he looked annoyed. "I've given up on love."

Trevor sighed and massaged Chester's shoulder. "But we need to find the right person to fall in love with, not a jerk, Chester," Trevor said with a hushed voice, trying to calm Chester down. "Give it one more chance, just until summer."

Chester tapped his heel against the ground, his facial expression eased as he knew he had no chance to say no. "Yeah, until summer," He sighed, his shoulders dropped in defeat. "but only this once."

Trevor's face lit up. "Great! We may even get a few new exchange students," Trevor smiled. "There's even a girl I might think you like."

Chester looked away and scratched the side of his head, "Oh, yeah, sure." He breathed. He did like girls but preferred guys, he is a closeted Omnisexual.

"Hm? Is something bothering you," Trevor pushed. "Do you like guys or some shit?"

"I- Actually, I have to go!" Chester stood up quickly, he hurriedly grabbed his backpack. His actions were panicky. "I'll see ya at school tomorrow!" Chester said as he turned off his heel into a different direction, it would be mistaken for a jog.

Trevor watched as he watched his friend disappear into the distance. "Welp...I'll guess that's a yes."

Chester hurriedly rushed down the sidewalk, he was looking down at the ground. His mind was in a completely different place.

He tripped and scraped his knee against the pavement. "Oh, shit!" Chester cursed as he sat on his side, his thigh against the ground. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Chester rubbed his sleeve against his wound, it stung like a bitch and was dripping blood.

Chester sighed and slowly got up, scared to fall again. He walked down the sidewalk to the direction of his house.

As he was walking, he hummed the melody of a song. The name was "moment," by Vierre Cloud. A considerably good song, in his own personal opinion.

Once he got to the turn onto his street, he made his way down to his house. He watched as he passed by. It was an old neighborhood, most of the houses had been Victorian. But the other half was suburban houses, the house Chester lived in was the second house from the end at the suburban end.

He kicked the door open and slung his backpack to the ground. He called out, "I'm home!"

No response.

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