Chapter 14 - Good night,.....❤

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Raagavi's POV

Rudransh and I boarded the car and settled in the backseat. Karthik was the designated driver, Shivika joined us in the passenger seat in the front. The car ride was uneventful, with Karthik stealing glances of Shivika whenever he could safely do so, while Shivika was gazing out the window.

I was trying my best to control the hiccups caused by my heavy crying session before. The hiccups were uncontrollable. Rudransh quickly grabbed the bottle next to him and handed to me. I took careful sips of the cool water, but the hiccups just wouldn't stop. Rudransh suddenly placed his hands over mine, startling me. "Has it stopped??" Asked Rudransh. I nodded mutely. He lifted his hands from mine with a sharp nod and turned away when we heard Shivika and Karthik were laughing at us. The rest of the drive was quiet.

After an hour's drive, we reached Rudransh's parents' house. Situated in the outskirts of Chennai, the house stood a bit modern yet traditional. It had a urli bowl with flowers floating placed in front of the house. Sarasvati aunty welcomed us with aarti. As per tradition, I knocked down the kalasam of rice gently with my right foot while entering the house. This ritual was done to so as to bring wealth and prosperity to the house.

 This ritual was done to so as to bring wealth and prosperity to the house

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Rudransh's parents house

Once we entered the house, I was asked to light the deepam in the puja room. After that, I changed myself to a simple red saree. I let my hair flow freely. When I looked at the mirror, I found myself looking very different and unfamiliar, with the vermillion on my forehead and the yellow sacred thread on my neck.
I walked outside and saw that Rudransh had also changed himself into casuals, he wore a red t-shirt and a black jeans. Coincidentally, we had worn the same colour.

 Coincidentally, we had worn the same colour

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He took in my form from head to toe and smiled. I returned the smile.

Sarasvati aunty asked me to make something sweet for the family members. At the prospect of food, Shivika got excited and suggested "Make badam halwa". Everyone agreed. While I cooked for the first time in Rudransh's house, the Elders were discussing about the plans for 'Shanthi muhurtham.' Shivika, Karthik and Rudransh were talking to each other.

After 45 minutes, I brought bowls of badam halwa. As soon as Rudransh saw me enter the living room with the heavy tray I was ever so slightly struggling to balance, he got up and immediately took it for me and served everyone.
I was worried about the taste of the halwa, and was hoping it turned out edible, to say the least. Everyone ended up liking it.

Licking her spoon clean, Shivika said "I'm gonna miss your cooking really badly."

Rudransh interrupted "Shivika, you can stop by our place anytime."

"Don't worry, I'll cook frequently for you" I assured her.

"Hope you will cook for me as well" Karthik joined. I smiled.

Sarasvati aunty came up to me. Before she could even speak, I asked, "Aunty, is there anything wrong with the halwa? Too sweet?"

"The badam halwa was perfect, but when are you gonna stop calling me aunty? You must call me Amma itself, I'd much prefer that. You can call Rundra's father as Appa."

"Seri, Amma" I said.

"Now that that's sorted, Appa wanted to see you"

I followed her. "Raagavi, the sweet is super, ma. I heard from Karthik that you made breakfast for them once. He still hasn't stopped talking about it. I understand why now," Appa laughed.

"Anni, can I get another cup?" Karthik asked.
"Sure" I said and filled his cup with more halwa.

The Elders had planned that the muhurtham was not very good today so they planned to keep our 'Shanthi muhurtham' the next day. I was asked to stay in the guest room. Shivika had planned to stay in Rudransh's house with me. Karthik stayed as well, and stayed in Rudransh's room.

Rudransh's POV

Karthik and Shivika had joined us for the car ride. Karthik was taking frequent glances at Shivika in between driving. I was about to make fun of him when suddenly, Raagavi started hiccuping. I quickly grabbed the water bottle and passed it to her. She took a sip but that didn't not stop her hiccups. I placed my hand over hers, surprising her. Her hiccups stopped. I was reluctant to let go of her hand and wanted to hold on to her soft hands, but Shivika and Karthik had noticed it, and I took my hand off of hers.

After an hour, we reached home. Amma, welcomed us with aarti. After entering the house. Raagavi had lightened the deepam in the puja room. I wanted to change to something more casual. I wore an a simple red polo t-shirt with black jeans.

When came and sat down I saw, Raagavi dressed in a simple red saree, her long hair flowing freely. The sacred thread I tied hanging around her neck and the vermillion I applied was on her forehead. She looked beautiful and very homely.

She was asked to make something sweet. Everyone ended up agreeing with 'Badam halwa', my favourite. Shivika, Karthik and I sat down and chatted about Raagavi and her college life.
After 45 minutes of torture with the beautiful aroma of badam halwa tickling my nose from the kitchen, Raagavi appeared with a tray of bowls with badam halwa.

I took the tray from her and served everyone before grabbing a bowl of my own, and eagerly took a bite.The badam halwa smoothly melted in my mouth, leaving behind the sweet taste lingering on my taste buds. It was then that Shivika lamented about missing Raagavi's cooking. I invited her to visit our place anytime she wanted, as I quite enjoyed her presence as well.

The elders had decided that 'Shanthi muhurtham' was to be held tomorrow. Karthik and I settled for the night in my room, while Shivika and Raagavi had taken the guest room.
I took my phone out and texted "Good night, wifey❤️" to the number I tried texting a lot in the last few weeks but never actually going through with it. With my heart racing, I pressed send. After a few minutes, my phone chimed. I eagerly took my phone to see the message. "Good night, Rudransh," popped up the message. I felt really happy, until I saw the name of the sender. It ended up being Karthik, who was lying right next me, laughing at my disappointed face. I gave him a swift kick, and he winced in pain, before turning his back to me to go to sleep.

Note from author:

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