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Author 's POV

Gauri ran to car and went to hotel. She went to their room n burst into crying

Gauri 's POV
I don't know why I am crying he is not my boyfriend nor I love him. So why. I don't know the reason but it feel like I am loosing something which I don't want. Did I feel for him . No,no chance why would I. No I should not cry like this

End of POV

Other side Om left Ishana n took taxi left to hotel. He went to their room n banged the door. Gauri wipped the tears n opened the door.Om came inside

Om: Gauri

Gauri: Congratulations sir . Now your girlfriend is back so there is no need for us to do this drama

Om: you are not sad Gauri

Gauri: Why would I . You are not my real boyfriend nor I am your girlfriend

Om: Then why are you crying

Gauri: Because I will get lose of good amount your paying me . That's why.

Om's POV

She is saying she was not feeling sad. She said she was crying for money. I know we not real boyfriend and girlfriend but I want her to cry for me . When she is going I want to stop her n tell her not to go. I want to be with her. Being with her gives me peace but seeing her going the peace that I had was going

End of POV

Gauri went n took another room. Both slept in different rooms. Sleep was far for them. Both are feeling like something is lost. They are feeling lonely. They don't know what to name it. Thinking like that they both slept. Morning came soon for them. They are leaving to Mumbai. Ishana is also coming with them. In flight Om n Ishana are sitting side by side. Gauri was sitting in another site. Gauri was taking glance of Om. Seeing both of them talking happily

Gauri (thinking): I think there is nothing between us . He is happy with Ishana

By the time Om saw Gauri she turned away

Om(thinking): She is not feeling sad . I think there is nothing between us

They came with happiness and going with confusion. Let's see what will happen in Rikara 's life


Hi everyone here is chapter 15. Read n enjoy it . Please ingore if you find any mistakes. I know it's boring but please adjust.

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