The coming

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It's quite wonderful to be back to my Father's land, growing up in my Mother's village hasn't been the easiest

(Flash back)
Ugochi: Let's beat her up
Uloma: No let's dent her face and leave it at that, it will do more damage
Kamsi: (crying hysterically) Please leave me alone, I beg you guys, I haven't bothered you in anyway, why are you doing this to me?
Ugochi: will you shut up your dirty mouth, you witch, go back to where you come from, is this your Father's village? Why have you decided to stay here and rid all of us from the opportunity of having what we desire, Our Prince Chibuzor is in love with you and as if that is not enough Prince Ikenna His brother is also fighting His Brother for you, you are not even from here but you have caused enough confusion
Kamsi: I swear to the gods that I have no hand in that, I don't even want any of them, (screams) I don't want anybody I just want to die
Uloma: Are you still conversing with this girl, let's scar her face already, nobody will like her after that

(Ebere, Kamsi's best friend is walking with Her Brother Uchenna towards their farm land and sees the scene playing out before them)

Uchenna: (runs towards Kamsi) What do you two evil witches think you are doing? What is this madness Ugochi?
Ugochi: Mind you business
Ebere: touch her I dare you, I am here now, try it and see what will happen to you, devils, if you people are that jobless, come and weed my farm if you don't have what to do

Thank the gods, I am saved

Everybody knew Ebere was the strongest girl in the village and nobody could beat her up, anyway Ugochi and Uloma's confrontation is not what did it for me, the most painful part was that even though Ebere saved me she still wanted me gone just the same way because she was in love with the younger prince Ikenna, I had to leave knowing that I had no one here for me apart from family, the men wanted me and the girls hated me. Although my Mother did not want to go back to my Father's village because of the hatred she had for him, we had to leave for my safety. Thank the gods my Father had moved to the head clan, so we basically had nothing to worry about, it feels good to be away from the chaos

Akweke was an amazing village, even more prosperous than my Mother's village Akwodo, and my favorite part of the village was the river, everyone came here to wash clothes, swim and just basically have fun, but my favorite time of going, was on a Tuesday, it was a market day and not much people came here, I liked to come here and swim, sing and eat mangoes, nobody in particular planted the trees so we were allowed to eat the fruits from it, it was said that if you took it home with you then that was stealing but if you ate it there and threw the seeds in the bush then the gods won't be angry with you.
  So just like the two Tuesdays I had come here, I was back here to have my normal fun and alone time, away from my annoying talkative Brother and my Mother's errands, it felt good. But something was wrong, ahhhh someone is drowning, I have to run faster (dive Kamsi, dive), oh my goodness I hope she is not dead, okay I have seen this before, it reminds me of what happened in Akwodo with the young boy who drowned, I think they pressed him like this (okay do that Kamsi, press let the water come out), oh it's not working why is she not breathing, (mouth to mouth, do the mouth to mouth technic), ewww did she just vomit on my face, okay I can not worry about that now, the most important thing is that she is breathing, Thank the Gods, more like she is choking but potatoe potato, It's okayyyy honey just breathe for me (pats her back), you are fine now, you are fine. Ahhh Thank the gods she did not die, that would have been traumatizing I should probably wash myself now.........

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