23 • Rebellion •

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How have you all been? Finally, I am back, my sweeties

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How have you all been? Finally, I am back, my sweeties.

Prathuman laid on his stomach, while his wife Leela massaged his bare back with warm mustard oil

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Prathuman laid on his stomach, while his wife Leela massaged his bare back with warm mustard oil. She was happy that Anahita was finally getting married. For that, she squashed her husband's hesitance by assuring him that Daamodar was perfect match for his daughter.

"He stays in Madras. Our Anahita needn't worry about her in-laws. She will visit Jaipur hardly once a year for a month or so. No siblings and so, all his immense wealth will go to Anahita and her children. At first even I was sceptical, but Iravati is her mother, and mothers never take wrong decisions for their child."

By now, Prathuman was more than convinced with this.

Anahita stopped in front of the master bedroom and pounded on the door with her fist. Leela and Prathuman were startled. She asked him to relax while she got to the door.

"I want to meet father." Anahita tried to push past Leela, but the latter resisted.

"He is busy?"

"Busy doing what? Having sex with you? Because honestly, that's the only thing he does with you." Anahita snapped. Leela gasped loudly, placing her hand to cover her open mouth.

Prathuman angrily rose from his bed and wore his satin night robe, then charged towards the door. Anahita pushed Leela, who lost her balance and fell. Prathuman hurried and grabbed her before a tragedy happened.

THE BAD GIRL- Anahita ✔️Where stories live. Discover now