The First Meeting | Chapter 1

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Dawson walks through an alleyway, but he pauses when he hears someone. It was the sound of someone crying, it sounded like a little girl. He walks over to a giant rain boot, where the crying was coming from, and looks inside. In it was Olivia and you sitting on a medicine box. Olivia was crying softly and you were comforting her. You weren't related to her nor did you know her but you found her crying all by herself and decided to try to comfort her. Why were you in an alleyway? Well, you ran away from home, for whatever your reasons were, and you were looking for a place to stay. You heard Olivia crying and decided to try to help comfort her.

"Oh! Oh my!" Dawson gasps, seeing Olivia crying. You look over at him, surprised to see someone else here. "Are you all right, my dear?" Dawson asks and walks over to you two. Olivia looks up at him. He takes out a handkerchief and hands it to her. "Come now, come, come. Here, dry your eyes." Olivia takes the handkerchief and blows her nose then gives it back to Dawson. He puts it back in his pocket and takes a seat on the other side of her. "Ah, yes, that's better. Now tell me, what's troubling you, my dear?"

"I... I'm lost. I-I-I'm trying to find Basil of Baker Street." Olivia says sadly, handing him a small newspaper clipping.

"Now, let me see here..." Dawson puts on his reading glasses and reads the headline. "Famous detective solves baffling disappearance." He reads.

"I was planning on taking her to him but I didn't know where Baker Street was." You say.

"Mmm, hmmm. But where are your mother and father?" Dawson asks.

"That's why I m-m-must find Basil!" Olivia says and begins to sob into her scarf.

"There, there, there. Now, now, now. Well, I don't know any Basil..." Olivia looks up at him sadly. He gives her a warm smile as he takes off his glasses. "But I do remember where Baker Street is." Dawson says, making her face brighten a bit.

"Can I come with you? I want to make sure she'll be okay." You ask.

"Of course." Dawson says as he gets up and reopens his umbrella. "Now, come with me. We'll find this Basil chap together." He says and starts walking towards Baker Street, you and Olivia following him.


Dawson knocks on the door and it opens, revealing Mrs. Judson standing at the doorway with her arms full of stuff.

"Hello there." You greet with a smile

"Good evening, Madam. Is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street?" Dawson asks as he removes his hat.

"I'm afraid it is. He's not here at the moment, but you're welcome to come in and wait." Mrs. Judson says and moves out of the way a bit.

"Oh, I-I don't want to impose. It's just...the girl." Dawson says and gestures to the empty spot next to him, where Olivia was earlier. The three of you look inside and see Olivia sitting by the fireplace, looking through a magnifying glass.

"Oh my! You poor dear!" Mrs. Judson drops everything she was holding into Dawson's arms and rushes up to Olivia. You help Dawson set down everything that was dumped into his arms. "You must be chilled to the bone!" She takes off Olivia's hat and dries it off, then removes her scarf. "Oh, but I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets." She rushes to the kitchen and closes the door.

The three of you look around the room, fascinated by the elaborate Rube Goldberg type machinery. You walk up to one on the table and inspect it.

Dawson hangs up his coat but stops when a loud voice comes shouting from the front door. You all look over to see who it was.

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