Soft and Firm

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3rd POV:

After training for what seems like forever, the day of the exam by Execution Cannonball came. You and the rest of your class gather in the underground play arena and Kalego explains how to play using one of those animated boards he hates. It explains the game as regular dodgeball in two teams, but spells can be used. You can cast spells to affect the ball, but spells used on other players are not allowed. Then Kalego-sensei announces he will assign the teams and hand out yellow and red armbands to differentiate the teams. You receive a red armband and are officially a member of team B. You look to check how the teams are split.

Team A has Sabnock, Clara, Elizabetta, Iruma, Jazz, Agares and finally you.

Team B has Goemon, Schneider, Lied, Asmodeus, Kamui, Kerori and Purson.

Wait, Purson? You never saw this guy before, he has white bowl cut hair and two purple horns. Of course you didn't notice, as his family's prized talent is blending in.

The match begins and you try to keep up, barely dodging the ball. Oracle told you to use the magic a bit later in, so you try to stick to it. The other demons get beat rather quickly, but your team has the upper hand as after several minutes it's Iruma, Sabnock and you against a brooding Asmodeus. No idea what he's thinking, and you don't really care. Sabnock seizes the ball and after throwing it at Asmodeus he gets countered and then it's just you three. Asmodeus looks at you and gets determined to hit you, no doubt to delay his showdown against his oh so beloved Iruma. You can't dodge or catch a hit powered by his flames. When he draws his arm back, you widen your stance and aim at the ground. "Cruel Creator." You cast, and suddenly the ground breaks and dust envelops the sports battlefield. Those around you, except for Kalego-sensei, think that the goal of this spell is to cast a shrouding cloud and so Asmodeus tosses where he saw you last. The ball goes through the cloud but is caught. When the dust clears, your creation stands before them. A tall sandstone textured humanoid without a face that's equipped with six arms stands there, its middle pair holding the ball. The fingers are claw-like and long so it's perfectly capable of catching the ball with even one hand. "What is that?!" Asmodeus exclaims as the demons around you look on in surprise, taking in the thrall's appearance. The sound of grating stone fills the air as it takes a stance, and many don't fail to spot you behind it, eyes closed and full focusing on the creature.

"Linq!" You cast and a crackle echoes in the air without any visible effect. But the spell itself is very important and creates a connection between you and the thrall to allow more free control. With just your thoughts, you make it act. It draws it's arm back and throws at Asmodeus, who dodges in fear of getting injured from the force. It bounces into your team's outfield, and Sabnock passes the ball from there to your creation. "Want a go, Iruma?" You ask from your spot, and get a meek no. The thrall takes the ball into one of it's arms and quickly spins it in a circle to create force, and then shoots at Asmodeus who barely dodges, but grabs the ball before it can get to the outfield. The thrall stands in front of you and blocks his aim, all six arms on the ready.

Asmodeus gets some sort of internal struggle going on and looks like he needs to go to the toilet for a few moments, but then charges up the ball and throws it at Iruma. The male in question manages to catch the ball, but does a 360 to keep the ball's momentum and throws it right back at Asmodeus, winning the game.

Finally relieved, you let go of your connection to the thrall and let it crumble like a statue worn by time, then you let yourself collapse as well. You can easily hold it up, but it's the pressure that got to you. "Iruma, [Y/N]." Kalego-sensei starts as he walks over to the two of you. "Iruma, I wouldn't have let you get a higher rank if Asmodeus let you win. You are hereby promoted to Bet(2)." He declares, snatching his badge and upgrading it with magic before handing it back. He then looks at you for a moment, and then sighs. "Get up." He says, and you scramble to your feet. "[Y/N], watching you grow like this is truly interesting." He starts before he turns to Iruma, Asmodeus and Clara as they eagerly discuss Iruma's promotion. "Shut up and listen, idiots!" He scolds them, to which they grow quiet. Suddenly, he grabs your shoulders and turns you so you are facing the class as he stands behind you. "Listen up, Misfits! [Y/N] here is the prime example of how you should be! Learn new spells, get new techniques and make effort to grow even without a teacher standing behind you! None of you would pull a spell like that off, you don't try! Just because Iruma returned the hit doesn't mean [Y/N] wouldn't have won eventually. I don't know if you noticed, but his golem didn't decay in the slightest, his control is strong and perfected enough for longer use." He lectures the class, and you feel your face grow redder at the praise as the entire class stares at you. He then turns you around to face you and snatches your badge on which he uses the same magic on it he did when promoting Iruma. "And therefore, for your efforts and demonstration that you got what it takes to be a demon, I promote you to He(5)." He declares and pins the badge to your collar.

The Wingless Scandal / Shichiro x Male!Reader x KalegoWhere stories live. Discover now