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One of Them

Mollie was stirred awake, by Dina licking her hand, once she opened her eyes, Dina walked over to her window. She sat up in bed, looking out of her window, Sirius and Remus had both left. She creased her brows, she looked at her clock. 5:30 am.

'What in Merlin's name, were they doing at this hour?'

Now that Mollie was awake she supposed, she should get out of bed, but that was a bad idea because now Dina expected her walk and wouldn't settle till she had been taken out. She rubbed her eyes, she was still tired but knew getting back to sleep wasn't possible, in fact, she was amazed she managed to sleep at all.

"Kreacher, where are Sirius and Remus?" she asked, Kreacher didn't respond just carried on cleaning. "Kreacher, I'm talking to you, the least you could do is say something rather than ignore me completely," Mollie said, Kreacher stopped cleaning, turning to face her

"Master Sirius has instructed Kreacher not to say," the elf spoke.

"Ugh fine, I'm going to take Dina out for her walk," Mollie told him

"Why tell, Kreacher?" he asked

"In case Sirius comes back while I'm out,"

She leashed Dina, heading out of the door, even though it was still early 6:00 am, it was bright, hardly anyone around, a perfect time to walk Dina without being seen. Mollie crossed the street to the dog park, she unleashed Dina allowing her to run around.

Mollie had the eerie feeling that she was being followed again, she picked up her pace, hurrying through the park. Dina ran ahead of her, she turned around to look behind her, she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said,

"It's fine," the boy said, looking up at her "Mollie, are you okay?" he asked,

"Michael? I didn't think I'd see anyone at this time," Mollie recognised him, he was a muggle boy who lived just down the road from her, she had known him for many years. He wouldn't be following her.

"I'm just on my way to work, I got a job now," he said, smiling evidently proud of himself.

"That's great, where?" she asked

"The cafe, on the corner," he said pointing towards the cafe, "I must go or I'll be late," he said.

"Alright, see you later," she said, waving to him.

Mollie watched him, walk out of the park. The feeling of someone following her had gone, maybe seeing Michael scared them away. She continued her walk with Dina, seeing familiar dogs that Dina could play with. She felt better but that was twice now that she thought someone was following her.

She just hoped it wasn't the paranoia of Death Eaters being around. Or maybe Sirius' worrying had finally caused her to be cautious of going out in public. 'Thanks a lot, uncle Sirius,' she thought. Mollie called Dina back to her, she took a different route home, to lengthen the walk.

Mollie walked through a street that she had been on many times before, it was the route she took when she wasn't letting Dina off her leash. Her chest tightens again. She was being followed, but this time there wasn't anyone in sight, to deter the person.

Mollie hurried her steps, practically dragging Dina with her. She was grabbed someone pulled her into an alleyway, covering her mouth, Dina growled at the person, barking at them.

"Call off your dog" he ordered, Mollie felt the tip of a wand on her lower back, she cursed herself for not bringing her wand with her.

"Dina, calm down," Mollie told her, Dina tilted her head confused he was clearly being threatening. Dina still barked at him.

"Call it off," he said again.

"She knows you want to hurt me, she won't back down," Mollie explained,

"Fine," he pointed his wand to the dog,

"No, please don't hurt her," he turned Mollie around to face him. He lifted his hood down. She recognised him, Theodore Nott, though he looked different he looked ill.

"Nott?" she said, he creased his brows, "what are you..." Mollie's eyes wandered down his left arm, his mark, Voldemort's mark

"You're one of them-

"Don't even think about it, I'll hex you before you get around that corner," he said, roughly hold her, as she squirmed trying to move.

"What do you want with me?" she asked, trying not to let the fear in her voice betray her.

"You live in that place don't you that's hidden from Muggles and Wizards," he asked, or more like he knew and was checking if she'd lie to him.

"Yeah, I don't understand-

"I need a hideout, I tried to corner you last night, but you were already gone,"

"It was you, I've been paranoid of being attacked," she said, he didn't seem at all sympathetic for her and the trouble he had caused over the last two days.

"Are you going to help me, or do I need to do a curse for you to help," he said, holding the tip of his wand under her chin forcing her to look at him.

"You can't do magic in front of muggles, and there are loads out there," Mollie tried to bargain

"Like I give a fuck," he said, his voice harsh like he had no friendly way of speaking.

"I live with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, are you sure you want to hide out here," she said,

"You're going to keep it a secret, once you get me inside, you won't tell anyone I'm there and that includes them," he said, Mollie thought a second,

"I need an answer!" he said loudly, Mollie looked around in case anyone had heard him.

"Okay, I'll help you," 

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