Roomates (1)

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Comment if I should continue at the end this was mostly just a random idea that pooped in my head.


Cheryl blossom walked down the crowded halls of Riverdale high with her best friend Veronica lodge by her side. The girl smiled at passing people who waved hi. She however didn't know most of their names only seeing them at lunch or passing periods.

"Archie is already posting pictures with random girls at some party last night," Veronica said with a look of disgust as she scrolled through Instagram.

"Veronica you broke up with him" Cheryl reminded as she stopped in the student lounge sitting at one of the chairs Veronica taking her seat beside her.

"Well yes, but he was texting another girl so he had it coming" Veronica groaned dramatically.

Cheryl chuckled opening her water bottle and taking a sip. "You cheated on him four other times" Cheryl reminds the girl of another reason she shouldn't feel any type of way.

"You're supposed to be supporting me," Veronica said glaring at Cheryl.

"Sorry v," Cheryl laughed shaking her head. "Yes how dare he post another girl after four months," Cheryl said placing a pedicured hand on her heart.

They chatted for a bit before the attention was drawn to Jason walking into the room with a few of his football friends. He excused himself and walked over to Cheryl.

"If you're gonna use my care please don't leave your trash in it, Cheryl," Jason said crossing his varsity jacket-added arms.

"It was just a cup" Cheryl rolled her eyes at her twin.

"No, it was three cups a chip bag, and crumbs on my leather seats. You're a pig." He said eyebrows furrowed aggravated.

"Calm down brother," Cheryl sighed looking at his head in her hand. "You act as if I wasn't going to clean it."

"You know Cher if your minions knew how messy you are you'd be a little less popular I feel." He teases his sister.

"Heyyyy JJ" Veronica giggled looking up at him. 

"Veronica." He offered a kind smile.

"Love me." She said in a shaky breath.

"What?" He said clearing his throat and scratching the back of his next.

"Ew gross stop," Cheryl said slapping her arm. Just before Veronica could respond a bunch of yelling could be heard as four teens run in. Reggie mantle, Toni topaz, jughead jones, and Archie Andrews.

Jughead jumped over the couch hiding behind it. Cheryl's eyes furrowed on what he had in his hand. A water gun.

"Eat shit fucker" Toni screamed with two water guns one in each hand she shot at Reggie who was busy shooting at Archie.

"Can you stop!" Cheryl gasped standing up crossing her arms angrily all the boys admittedly dropped the guns and stood up blushing on their cheeks.

"What was that" Toni hums. Cheryl's eyes widened. Toni had moved here at the beginning of last year. The two have barely exchanged words since. The fact the short girl had the nerve to teasing confront Cheryl made a vein in the redhead's forehead pop out.

"I said," Cheryl took a daring step closer. "Stop behaving as a brainless baboon" Cheryl scoffed.

The room got quiet until Toni started to laugh.

"Brainless baboon" Toni mocked jughead and Archie hiding chuckles with coughs.

"If you don't sit your ass down." Toni wheezed at this point.

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