This wont do (2)

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Cheryl marched her way into the principal's office pushing her way through various staff taking a seat right in his office and slamming down the letter.

"This won't do" Cheryl murmured in disgust. Mr. Weatherbee sighs pushing her glasses up the bridge of his nose. Picking up.

"I'm sorry but Toni is an amazing student academically she has never had any altercations with you," Mr. Weatherbee said shaking his head. 

"That is so not true" Cheryl gasped in an entitled way. "She assaulted me with a water gun," Cheryl said faking sadness.

"She assaulted you..." MR Weatherbee raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Cheryl nods seriously

"With a water gun." He finished confusion played his expression.

"Yes, I already said this." Cheryl scoffed turning her head.

"Yeah uh huh " Weatherbee nods pushing the letter back with two fingers.

" So, here's what I'm going to do for you" Mr. Weatherbee offered a smile "I'm gonna excuse you for leaving class and shoving your way into my office. But I'm not going to change your roommate." He said as he shakes his head.

"My parents pay good money to the school-"Cheryl gasped in anger abruptly standing up and grabbing her chest in the offense.

"I'll arrange seats by each other on the plane. " Mr. Weatherbee remarked standing up and straightening his blazer. "I will not tolerate your attitude ms blossom" he demanded pointing towards the door scoffing Cheryl marched out the room.


Later that day Cheryl sat with the library book in hand as she took sips from her coffee.

She read page after page on a secluded part of the library behind shelves and tables.

The girl was in a long-sleeved cropped shirt, high-waisted white jeans, and some expensive heels. Glasses rested on the bridge of her nose her hair up in a messy ponytail.

"Didn't picture you as much of a reader." A voice got her attention. Cheryl looked up startled at first but her features changed to annoyance.

There Toni topaz stood dressed in a white Nike crew neck, baggy blue jeans, and, those same air forces she wore countless times. A small silver chain dangled from her neck. Her hair was in yet another messy bun.

"Are you stalking me now?" Cheryl asked looking the girl up.

"Yes Cheryl because everyone is just so obsessed with you," Toni said rolling her eyes with a smirk.

"Very funny words from a girl who used to call me what was it" Cheryl narrows her eyes thinking back on a conversation she overheard the girl having with one of her friends " 'the hottest girl in school' wasn't it?" Cheryl remarks with a grin.

Toni chuckles scratching the back of her neck and clearing her throat. "That was taken out of proportion" Toni nodded her cheeks red.

"Mmm," Cheryl sighed with a knowing look. The girl didn't seem too bad. But it was the way she looked at Cheryl if she wasn't well known around the town. As if she was just another high school girl, it's marked a nerve.

"So did you need something or ?" Cheryl says sass laser in her tone.

"No no i just wanted to say i have a few rules" Toni hummed

"Excuse you?" Cheryl chuckled in disbelief.

"Rules for when we share a room" Toni explained. "1, don't touch my stuff" Toni said crossing her arms.

"As if I'd want too" Cheryl scoffed

"2, i sleep in nothing bud my boxers don't even try to change that"

A blush came to Cheryl's cheeks picturing the girl in nothing but her boxers. She quickly cleared her throat and said "you're absolutely disgusting"

"3, you mind your business I'll mind mine" Toni leaned on the table smiling at the girl. As she leaned down a strong whiff of marijuana invaded Cheryl's nose "is that okay with you princess?" Toni remarked looking into Cheryl's eyes. Cheryl started to feel a weird feeling in her tummy as she said the pet name.

Toni's eyes were slightly red and puffy but those light brown eyes still shines through. Cheryl had seen the girl do the same charming look to multiple people. Which only aggravated the girl.

"We'lol see how long that last." Cheryl groaned picking up her stuff and leaving the girl in her trail.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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