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Includes some gore and violence other than that I have no words.

"He" and "They" are different people

I'll let you guess who the psychos are


"He's killed over fourty odd people-" Tricera looked shocked at them.

"And you're attracted to.. that?" Carbide asked, looking over his shoulder to the man handcuffed with his wrists chained to the table he sat at.

"Rude." He commented.

They chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Are you surprised Carbide?"

Carbide sighed. "You're going to get stuck in that loop again and I won't be able to help you out this time. Just... watch yourself,"

They rolled their eyes and nodded. "Yes dad, can I have to minutes with him?"

"Uh- yeah- sure, completely ignore what i said. Come on," Carbide called the two guards that were stood either side of the door out with him.

They sat down at the table opposite them, folding his arms as they sat back.

"I thought you said you wouldn't get caught," They chuckled, watching his reaction.

He smirked and looked at the handcuffs around him wrists. "I didn't promise nothing, besides, half the fun is in the catch."

They grinned and leaned forward, lifting his head with his index finger under his chin. "Didn't do a very good job at getting rid of the blood did they?" They mused, wiping some dried blood from his lip and chin.

"He's fucking stupid.." Carbide sighed, running his hand through his hair, watching the whole ordeal.

"He knows what he's doing," Tricera sighed, giving Carbide's shoulder a squeeze.

They looking into those piercing blue eyes intently, they could see the same spark their own held long ago.

"You could be a real terror if you wanted, how about i show you how to really do it?" They offered, grinning when they saw  his eyes twinkle.

"Now that sounds interesting."

They leaned forward a little, inching forward before stopping, grinning as he met him half way.

"Oh lovely and now their making porn." Carbide sighed, looking away while they kissed. Tricera gagged and shook her head.

"I'll be back in two."

"Lets get you out of here.."

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

They went to leave opening the door, taking their sweet time. "What was that about?!" Carbide asked as soon as they stepped out.

They just chuckled and went to walk past, pulling the knife from his boot swiftly, plunging it deep into the Hero's chest.

"Ah, ah, ah~ I asked for you to leave." They covered Carbide's mouth so he couldn't be heard.

The two guards were on the door outside, unknowing of what just went on.

"And now that you're not a problem anymore-" They laid Carbide down out of sight and took their knife back, walking back into the room where his partner waited patiently.

"Omega's going to kill you," He mused, they chuckled and rolled their eyes.

"He didn't like Carbide anyway. C'mon babe, these walls are starting to bore me." They pried the handcuffs off, letting out a surprised gasp as they were grabbed by the throat and pinned against the wall.

"Fucking love you." He let go of their throat and kissed them hungrily, man handling the shit out of his smaller partner.

"I'd rather not get shot whilst having sex, we should get out first~"


"What the fuck have you two been doing?" The Scientist asked, rushing up to them to check them over and make sure the blood wasn't their's.

Omega looked up at them with a raised brow, chuckling softly to himself and went back to reading whatever was on his phone.

"You should check out the news soon, I'm sure you'll find out then~" Rusty mused, wrapping his arms around Sci's neck, leaning in for a kiss.

"Oh yeah, I killed Carbide by the way." Rusty spoke, leaning back in for another one.

"I said let me do that." Omega complained, looking over to the blonde. Origin came over and sat next to Omega, laying his head on his shoulder.

"C'mon you horny little shit," Scientist chuckled, pulling away, leading him over to the sofa the other two were on.

"You say it like its a bad thing."

THE ORIGIN X THE SCIENTIST X OMEGA X RUST LORDWhere stories live. Discover now