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lime (I think)

Leviathan was having problems . Big problems. I'm talking about life ending ones . He had a boner in the middle of class because of all the 'good' fantasies he had about M/N , and now it's nearing the end of class.

*Oh shit, how the fuck am I going to leave with.. THIS?!
I don't think it was worth it..  well .. maybe *

He was panicking on how to get out of class without people knowing he had a boner just sitting right there , very noticeable in his pants.

Meanwhile , as Levi was lost in his thoughts, M/N had noticed something was off about Levi. He looked , scared ? No, panicked ? Maybe both.


The bell suddenly rang after M/N was thinking on how to get his otaku boyfriend to calm down.
M/N got up and almost immediately headed to Levi.

Levi looked up and shocked,like he had never known who his lover was. Despite the problem , he gently gestures M/N to give him his jacket,seeming to embarrassed to even speak.

He immediately understood , a bit too fast for Levi's liking . He handed his jacket over and Levi immediately took it without hesitation , and wrapped it around his waist.

The jacket somewhat helped , but you can still tell that there was something wrong with it. M/N and Levi then walked to one of the abandoned classrooms to finish up Levi's 'problem' .

" You couldn't even wait to get home ? What a pathetic slut " M/N smirks.

" N-NO! It's not like that I swear! I was j-just..u-uhm- "
Levi stuttered as he quickly tried to think of an excuse, but M/N can see he was lying.

" I might as well help you, it's lunchtime anyways so we can have some time to ourselves ~ "

Levi blushed furiously . He did want to get rid of his boner so he didn't exactly disagree with M/N.

" A-alright fine . BUT no going too r-rough on me. Ok ?  I don't want anyone finding out"

M/N chuckles deeply
" I knew you would agree~ "

He didn't waste any time and went straight for Levi's neck . Levi put his hand to his mouth to quiet down his moans , but still moaned softly against his hand as M/N went deeper , reaching for his stomach.

Levi gently put his shirt up to his neck , and M/N started attacking his skin again as soon as Levi was exposing his slim stomach, leaving it a nice shade of red and purple.

M/N suddenly took off Levi's pants and boxers, leaving him nice and exposed for him to see . He took his length in his mouth and started sucking him off.

The way M/N was moving drove Levi crazy and just into more pleasure.It was so hypnotic the way M/N's tongue moved, keeping in rhythm as he bops his head up and down, and teasing over the slit of his dick.

" Ah..Faster..I'm getting close~ "
Levi moaned as he was close to his release.

M/N did as he was told and went faster, trying to please Levi's erotic needs.Levi then bit into his mouth and moaned loudly, now cumming in his lovers mouth.

" Did you.. swallow it ? "

" Of course , and don't think that this will be the end.. we still have to finish up at home don't we honey?~ "

Levi blushed as he responds slowly but surely..


he's so precious omg

i want cheetos rn

this also my first time writing lime so tell me how I did 👍

word count ; 601

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