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"Oh my god!" Cora squeals, grinning like an idiot. "You didn't have to do this." Esme brushes her off, holding the small animal in her arms. "You said you wanted one. And Carlisle thought it would be a good idea."

Cordelia snatches the kitty from her mother's arms, stroking its soft fury tenderly. "What should I name her?"
"Luna." Cora grimaces, holding the cat out so she could get a good look at it.
"I like Octavia."
"No." Edward cuts in, walking down the stairs with Bella by his side. "I think it should be Luna." The Junior rolls her eyes, inspecting the cat. "But that's an ugly name. Octavia is cute."
"Octavia is an old person name, Cora."
"Well, Isabella.We are old people."

"It should be Luna. Luna is a cat name." Cora resists the urge to scowl at Bella, training her eyes on the confused cat that she holds in her arms.
"Fine. Luna it is." She turns around, walking towards her room.
"It's okay, Octavia." She whispers to the animal, placing a soft kiss to its head. "Dumb name. Luna. Can't believe they want to name you that. You're my cat." Cora grumbles, placing the kitty on her bed and raising a brow as it snuggles into her pillows.

"We need to get her a bed, and some toys!" She states in a normal tone, knowing her family heard her.
The sun had gone down, the moon rising ever so slowly. "Goodnight!" She yells, laying down on her bed next to the cat.
Placing her earplugs into her ears and shutting her eyes in an attempt to sleep, though she knew she'd never be granted the luxury.

𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀'𝐒 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘. Edward had driven to school by himself, like usual. Cora also drove by herself, loving the attention she got when she pulled into the parking lot with the windows down, her loud music shaking the surrounding buildings.

Some people found it hard to believe that Cora was one of the infamous Cullen's. She was so kind, sweet, normal and somewhat social. Well, that's an overstatement. She only spoke when spoken to unless she was feeling generous.
"Hi Cora." A random guy waves to her as she walks by him. She smiles at him. "Hello."
Who the hell was that?
Anyways. Let's just say she's more popular for better reasons than the rest of her family.

"Isabella!" Cora shouts, a huge grin on her face as she slams her body into Bella's. She wheezes at the strength.
"I'm so sorry! I forgot—"
"It's alright." Cora smirks, holding out a pretty gift bag. "Cora!" Bella scolds, taking the bag and glancing inside. Her eyes widen as she makes eye contact with Cora, a smug look rests on her face.
"Are you joking me?" Cora giggles, rushing to Jasper's side as Alice jumps over the railing and heads towards Bella.
"Mood control, mood control. Go, go , go!" Cora rushes him, a smirk on their lips as they watch Bella agree to Alice's party invitation.

Alice skips back towards Jasper and as they're about to walk away Bella speaks. "Jasper! No fair with the mood control thing." She catches sight of Cora who tries to sneak away. "And you! I will be speaking to you later."

Cora runs towards her class, her backpack falling off of her shoulder every two seconds. "Ugh." She groans, pushing the door open and taking a seat. "Miss Auclair, you are five minutes late. What is your excuse?" Cora winces, taking note of all of the curious eyes. "I'm on my period." His eyes widen and he looks at his papers uncomfortably.
Hm, good excuse.
Cora smirks. Of course he bought it, shes a good liar. She pulls out a notebook and a pen, taking notes on whatever is going on right now.

By the time her classes pass and P.E ends, Cora is exhausted, metaphorically. She pretends to be tired, breathing loudly and wiping the imaginary sweat off of her forehead. She changes out of her gym clothes and makes her way towards the cafeteria where her siblings would be.

Cora spots Bella getting food so she makes sure the clacking of her boots are heard. Bella always was sheepish.
"Isabellaa..." Cora says in a sing song voice, grabbing a tray and searching for something that looks appetizing. She grabs a salad that only has four tomatoes and no croutons.
What a rip off!
"It's Bella, Cordelia." Bella corrects. Cora hums, ignoring her statement and kissing her cheek. "I'm excited for the party. It'll be fun. Though if I may. Alice may have gone a bit... overboard." Bella winces, her eyes finding their way towards an energetic Alice. "Anyways... I'm going to sit with you today, because I feel like it." Cora states cheerfully, prancing over towards her friends table and sitting next to the seat that Bella's bag rests in.

"Hello!" Cora peeps, smiling at the humans. Rosalie squints at her younger sister.
"Cora! How are you? Being a Junior and all." Jessica questions. She actually adores Cora considering she's beautiful, nice and a popular Cullen. "It's amazing, actually. Je l'adore." They tilt their heads in confusion at her friends. Usually her family could translate but she smiles sheepishly.
"Sorry! It means I love it." They nod, smiling at Cora before glancing towards Bella who was speaking with Edward Cullen.

"I hate PDA." Cora grumbles, turning to look at her unappetizing food. She takes a few bites, her razor sharp teeth slicing through the lettuce. "Do you not like their relationship?" Angela wonders, a curious expression on her face.
"Oh no, they're adorable. I just think that maybe they should tone it down a bit. In public at least." Jessica nods. "Amen."
Cora didn't necessarily like Jessica. She has heard all of the gossip she's spread, especially with Lauren. But she's just super insecure and Cora does feel a bit bad for her.

The bell rings and it's time for their last classes. "It was nice speaking to you guys!" Cora turns to walk away when Mike is at her side. "I can walk you. Here, let me take your trash." He insists, taking the plate out of her hands. Cora stills, slowly turning her head to look at him before giggling to herself.
What an idiot
Ah, yes. Now Mike Newton has a little crush on Cordelia Auclair. Cute, sucks for him.

After Mike throws his trash away, he turns around, only to be met with an empty cafeteria as everyone had left. Edward smirks to himself. Mike falls in love with Bella, and now his little sister.
He must have a death wish


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a/n: OCTAVIA IS SUCH A CUTE NAME AND IDC IF YOU DISAGREE. But me and my friends were debating whether or not Luna was a cat name, and it totally is.

written: 5/5/2022

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