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~ Annalise

I use my pencil to point to the textbook as I explain the best I can.

"...And when you multiply them together-" When I glance up to his eyes to make sure he's following along I see him staring at me with his eyes pinched and a confused look written on his face.

I sigh and put the pencil down.

"I'm sorry but I just don't see the point in learning this." He looks bored.

"Neither do I, but you know what, who cares? You just need to pass the test."

He scratches the side of his head. "I think I'm starting to get it a little more." His eyes glance down to his notebook in front of him.

I close the textbook. "You know what? How about we take a break. It's already been twenty minutes."

His shoulders relax and he rubs his eyes. It's a sunny day and it's lighting up his face. It makes his hair look a slightly lighter shade of brown. He has some faded, almost unnoticeable, acne scars on his cheeks.

I turn to the side and stretch my legs out on the picnic table.

We're at the park right now. Well it's not really a park but more like an outside hangout area in town. People are scattered about, going shopping and into stores. Kids are running around the fountain and some are inside playing in the dirty water. There's an old swing set that's graffitied all over, some mulch and dirt under it. Some people are on the grass and having picnics.

It's a nice day. A fresh breeze making my curls flow behind my head and fly around.

"You know what, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go get some chips and soda," Reed declares before standing up and sliding his phone into his pocket.

I just squint up at him due to the sun, not moving to get up.

When he begins to walk away he turns towards me, "Well get up. C'mon." He beckons me with his hand before continuing to walk away.

"What about our stuff?" What if someone steals it?

"No one's interested in stealing math textbooks Salinas," he says without turning around.

Sighing, I get up and begin to follow him.


"I hate when people don't pick up their dog's shit," I seethe as I step over a piece of animal crap on the sidewalk.

"Oh you don't like their little presents?" Reed looks to me and lifts his eyebrow raised. A smirk on his face.

"No. I do not," I rebut tightly.

My eyes travel across all the stores are right next to each other in front of the sidewalk with apartment buildings on top. Trash and cigarette butts are everywhere on the floor. There is a mixture of weed and different foods in the air. And the roads are busy.

"I swear if my backpack gets stolen you're gonna be the one to buy me a new one." I point to him. The only thing in there is a cheap black sweater, a math notebook, and textbook. But still.

"I'll buy you a glittery pink one with a picture of Barbie's face on it," He offers with an attractive grin.

"I'll be the hottest girl in school," I respond and gasp sarcastically.

"Who said you're already not?" My eyes immediately meet his green ones. An amused twinkle in his eyes.

My lips purse and I narrow my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." I hit his arm with the back of my hand which I immediately regret because I can feel his muscle through the thin sweater.

He hisses in pain and starting rubbing his arm. His nice features contorted in pain.

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