To Begin

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Dear Babe,

Hi again!

I've been away for some time. Like, I need to find myself somewhere.

I know you'll going to find your way to where I'm at. I'll be waiting, and I hope I'll go to find you this time. With all the spices, I need to garnish my chaffy dish.

I want you consistent with your words. I mean, you put actions to every promise. I don't want you to hide that promise of I love you, and I miss you, yet you do nothing about it. Plain words are as bland as a diet for renal impaired patients. Non-salty. No adventure.

At first, I will probably succumb to those empty words, but the time will come I'll use my mind to analyze. I was critical back then, I've seen how manipulations work, and I can not allow that again.

I don't demand you to be eloquent and lengthy; I want you to be honest. Honest! You know what I mean, right? You have to be precise, concise, and... Honest!

You don't have to sugarcoat everything. If you don't want it, then don't. You don't have to put up with my moods. We have to be clear with our roles for each other. We don't have to follow protocols; as long as there's a connection, why not?

But always bear in mind, I want to fall in love with you. And we will enjoy the relationship, and all the perks entail with it.

I will not hold you for any responsibilities which will compromise your happiness. I will always look at what's best and what makes you happy. I will learn your language of love. I will not demand anything from you. But from the beginning I will ask you 3 things:
1) Love me.
2) Respect me.
3) Trust me.

Too demanding?

I know you want me, then, to follow my rules.

I don't want games.

I don't want to join if you only need me to complete your team for your play-offs.

Remember what I've told you earlier, your heart is a thumping spot, not an arena.

I said more than I want.

We'll talk again.

Next time.

Laters baby!

Offing Girlf

Letters To My Boyf In The OffingWhere stories live. Discover now