c h a p t e r_n i n e: memory who?

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Pride is something that clung unto the prince of Oleander, a toxic trait of him that is, but for a royalty like him, it is to be expected to have pride no? Not to an extent like his that is. Then again, what extent does pride have to be?

Sweat trickled down his forehead as he panted, and grasped for air glaring at his opponent as if it was a real battle, swinging his sword as they continued to dwell.

Their blades clashed with one another with intense ferocity not one flaw of their perfected moves, like a tango between the two, only with swords in their possessions, due to his mind clouded with a certain H/c girl, he lost his footing he fell on the ground, letting out a groan, catching his breath as his maestro pointed the sword a few meters away from his face.

Staring at Mikko who lay on the ground, "You lost again Mikko." he spoke helping the prince back to his feet, "Rematch." he demanded picking up the weapon from the ground.

"I refuse."


"Clear your head, ijo you're clearly bothered by something." The older man instructed, patting the youngers shoulder. Grumbling under his breath, considering on the word his maestro told him, after for a few days as it feels wrong when he followed the advice too early. Wouldn't want to give the old man a win, why would he? Mikko is a prince. He'll do what he wants to.

Taking a hike at the near forest, he grimaced as he stepped on the muddy pavement, but alas he must go on. The hike was rather impulsive per se, Taking in a breather clearing his mind, continuing on walking on the path, Thus slowly calming him down.

The peaceful silence can't last, as the universe seem to have something planned for him already.

He froze in his path, feeling a preasure on his shoulder, turning his head slowly, as he stared at the eight legged creature residing on his shoulder comfortably.

Trying to even his heavy breathing trying not to panic.

Which he failed.

He swatted it from his shoulder blades as he ran away from the spider.

He giggled feeling the fresh air on his body and for once in a while, Mikko felt happy and free, he closed his eyes basking in the comfort of mother nature, still running for a reason or two.

Opening his purple eyes, meeting a long sturdy branch in his end, hitting his head as he was too late to react, laying on the dirt clutching his throbbing head, liquid dripped down his forehead.

Touching the blood he winced from the pain, staring at the tree as his world spun in circles, his breathing pattern slowed down, letting the darkness slowly engulf him. With a voice calling out to him before losing consciousness completely.

"Your highness?" A feminine voice called out to the unconscious person, Y/n stared at the unresponsive Mikko in shock.


Voices rang through his ears, Mikko shifted from where he was on, aware of the chaotic surrounding of his, he opened his eyes, he hissed at the lights of the room.

Rubbing his blurry eyes softly, as his head pounded against his skull, he let his sore eyes roam the room, he's in adjusting his sights from the blaring lights that surrounded him.

He was alone as we speak, still not uttering a word, he laid there instead numbly, waiting for someone. Until the door opened with a concerned Scarlet emerged, as she wiped her tears on the handkerchief her husband lend her, almost having a heart attack, upon finding out about her child's well being.

She scurried to his side caressing his face softly, "How are you feeling?,Mikko what happened?, who did-"she was cut off from speaking further.

There was silence as he scrutinized their appearance and every little movement, "Ijo?" Scarlet spoke, as her shaky hands went to at least hold Miko's, of course he swatted her advances.

"Who are you?" He deadpanned glaring at the unknown woman before him.

'Typical Mikko.'

She gasped covering her mouth, now tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks, "Oh no, my son."

"Due to the brain trauma he experienced."

"It appears the crown prince had lost his memory."

The doctor announced looking at the king and queen, as they glanced at their son, who sat there at the bed, cautiously looking around the room, disregarding their presence whatsoever. Scarlet waked towards her son sitting down at the soft cushioned bed, with a sympathetic smile on her face, "Mikko, what can you remember?"

He tilted his head as he eyed the three people before him, the two who introduced themselves as his parents, and the other is a doctor.

"I don't know."


"Who is this Y/n, if I may your highness." The doctor asked as he wrote down on the clip board he hold, "I- I heard that name somewhere, I can't quiet recall." He looked down on his lap, oblivious of the smirk Scarlet has on her face.

- To Be Continued

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