Part 2- The Next Day

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Punzie's POV

I woke up as giddy as always!! I took a nice bath and changed into a dress... I wore some heels and took out my white Dior handbag.. I put my hair down as usual.. (Pic above with no shirt)

I went down and ate my breakfast while watching TV.. After that, I quickly went to my car and drove to the Mall where I met Jack and Eugene.. Right after I arrived Merida arrived so while we waited for the others, we chatted for about 5 minutes until Hiccup, Elsa and Anna arrived, we were waiting for Kristoff when he suddenly arrived..

We went to starbucks and talked some more.. I saw Anna and Kristoff blushing while looking at each other..

Uuuu... Someone's in love *cough* ANNA *cough* *wiggles eyebrows* I am soooo happy for them but I wish I had a guy who liked me too *sigh*

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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