Her Parents

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"Yong-sun-ah," Byul-yi calls out lovingly as she pushed the door to the recording studio open, "Hello." She greets the rest of the staff, whom returns her greeting with a smile.

"Jagiya!" Yong-sun beams, running into the arms of her lover, "I missed you, what are you doing here?"

"Because I missed you too," Byul-yi responds, tapping Yong-sun on the nose, "And I brought food for everyone too."

Yong-sun scrunches up her nose, "Thank you, you're the best." She leaves a peck on the latter's cheek, "We finished recording one of my songs."

"I bet you were great as always," The younger girl comments, wrapping her arms around the waist of her girlfriend, "Can I listen to it?"

"Once it's finalized, yes." Yong-sun grins, her hands around Byul-yi's neck, "Jooyi wrote this song."

Jooyi nods, "I wrote this song thinking about you two."

"Huh, you've got a song about us in your album?" Byul-yi smiles, "I wasn't expecting that."

"Unnie has a song about how she yearned having a big butt too," The song writer reveals, causing everyone in the room to break into laughter.

The older girl pouts, smacking her on the arm, "Yah, why did you expose me like that?"

"I love your butt as it is though," Byul-yi winks, teasing her girlfriend whose cheek is flushed from embarrassment.

"Ew, get a room." Jooyi remarks, pretending to gag.

The couple laughs and takes a seat on the couch, "When will you be done for the day?" Byul-yi asks.

Yong-sun replies, interlacing her fingers with the other girl's, "I'm pretty much finished, just waiting to see if Oppa wants me to re-record any lines."

"I think you're good to go Yong-sun," The producer smiles, "You did well today."

"Thank you for your effort," Yong-sun bows to the staff, "I'll take my leave if that's okay, please enjoy the food that Byulie brought." She adds, picking up her phone from the table and dragging Byul-yi out of the couch.

"See you," The staff said their goodbyes and the two girls made their way out of the door.

"Where are you bringing me?" Yong-sun asks, swinging their arms as they walked down the corridor.

"We're going back to your place, and I'll make you dinner while you take a bubble bath." Byul-yi replies, opening the door to the carpark.

"Such a hopeless romantic you are," Yong-sun chuckles.

Ever since she returned to work, Byul-yi made sure she always got ample amounts of rest in between recording sessions. She would drop by RWB whenever she could and wait as Yong-sun finishes up her work, before bringing her to places for fun or a meal. Byul-yi's efforts despite her own busy schedule reassured Yong-sun and her worries about her career getting in the way of their relationship.

Yong-sun took a short nap as Byul-yi drove them back to her place. Once they got back to the apartment, the younger girl started a warm bath and had Yong-sun relax in it before she headed out to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

When the singer was done, she got dressed and walked into the living room and saw Byul-yi sitting on the couch on her phone, "I'm ready for dinner."

"Yong-sun..." Byul-yi trails off and looks up from her phone, "Appa messaged me, he says him and Eomma wants to see me this Saturday."

Yong-sun frowns, knowing her girlfriend's parents haven't contacted her in the longest time, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"He didn't say much, just said to be at their place at noon." Byul-yi replies, looking at Yong-sun with confusion, "I don't know what it could be, we haven't properly talked in months, I haven't even seen them in years."

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