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I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the white walls. But my room's walls weren't white. I realized this was not my room. Where was I?

I looked around and found Madison sleeping on the floor. Why was she sleeping there? I saw tubes around me. I looked down and found myself in a hospital gown. I was in a hospital. How did I get myself here?

The memories came rushing to me. My mother. I need to find her. I tried to move but the tubes won't budge. I tried to wiggle out of it but failed to do so .

"You're finally awake!" I saw Madison standing right next to me.

"Where's my mom?"

"She's in another room. Let me call the nurse." She went outside leaving me alone in this room. I just hope she's alive.

The door opened and an old woman came along with Madison.

"Let me see, your health is improving. Well done child."

"Please can you tell me about my mom?"

"She can have only two visitors at a time and right now, your father and brother are here. When they're done with their chats, I'll call you." She smiled and left.

"You fainted. The ambulance came and took you both to the hospital. Your dad was notified and he told me about it. I came as soon as I could." Maddie said explaining me everything.

"How is my mom, Maddie? Nobody's answering me." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"She's in a critical condition. Apparently, she lost a lot of blood. They've tried everything they could. The doctors say she'll wake up sooner or later."

"Oh My God! I'm so sorry. I'm late" The door barged open and Bella came running inside. "I heard about what happened. How are you now?"

Before I could answer her, Madison replied, "She's alright."

"Ohh goodie!" She sighed.

The nurse came in and looked at the three of us and said, "You can come in now for visiting."

I quickly got up and went to her room. She was laying on the hospital bed perfectly still. It broke my heart to see her like this. So lifeless.

"Mom, can you hear me? It's Sophia. I need you to wake up, mom. I want to know who did this and why. But right now, all I need is you. Please wake up." I had no more tears left to cry. I sat there staring at her when a man in his thirties came inside with a suitcase.

"Hello miss! I'm Officer Rodriguez. I've been sent here to investigate the crime scene of Mrs. Miller. And you might be her?"

"Daughter." I replied

"Okay so I want you to tell me everything you saw and if you suspect anyone. Even the tiniest details would help."

"I came home after hanging out with a friend. I opened the door and found her layi-" My voice started breaking. I didn't want to remember what had happened. It made me feel nauseous to see all that blood . "I'm sorry. It's hard".

"I understand. Was there anyone else in the house with her, after you left?"

"No. She was alone"

"Any suspects?"


"Okay, we'll try and do everything we can. Here's my number." He said handing me a card. "Call me whenever you need. Don't hesitate."

I put the card in the pocket of my hospital gown. I saw Maddie and Bella standing outside waving at me. I went outside and Bella started talking, "Your dad wants to see you."

She started walking away and I followed her to the waiting room. When dad saw me, he quickly got up and hugged me. "How are you feeling, Sophia?"

"I feel fine. It's mom I'm worried about."

"She'll get through this. She's s fighter, remember?" I nodded. I saw Adrian sleeping on the chair. Dad spoke up, "You both can go to Madison's house for tonight. I'll settle everything by tomorrow. Pick up the things you need from home." He said handing me the keys.

I gently picked up Adrian from the chair. He was not that heavy. I went outside and saw Madison sitting in her car at the front gate. I laid Adrian on the backseat. I got in the passenger seat beside Maddie.

"Oh no, I totally forgot Bella. I need to tell her that I'm leaving."

"You don't need to do that. The only thing you need is rest." She huffed in annoyance.

I have no idea what's gotten into her. From the minute I woke up, she's getting annoyed on the mention of Bella's name Maybe she doesn't like her. I relaxed myself into the chair and closed my eyes. This was too much to handle. I just needed peace.

"We've reached." I opened my eyes and saw my house.

"You wait here with Adrian. I'll go pick our stuff" I said and ran inside. I opened the door and found the floor all clean. Someone must've cleaned up the blood. Thinking about it made me feel sick. I went upstairs and took my bag. I started dumping a pair of clothes, hairbrush and a toothbrush. I went to Adrian's room and got some of his clothes. I went down to the living room and saw something on the couch. I picked it and saw it was the journal. It was in the kitchen last night. How did it end up on the couch. I had a weird feeling there will be a new entry, considering the position changed and true enough there was.

I see you've been telling your friends about me, huh. You're getting dramatic day by day. Pretending everything's sad. Don't act like you don't enjoy whatever's happening. Btw, it's a bad habit to talk back to your elders and you will pay for it. Tell your mum goodbye from my side.
Start learning some manners. You wouldn't want anything happening to your loved ones, right? Hehe
Your friend.

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