•Chapter 3• |{A Little Visitor}|

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As the day went on Red Son was working on his newest invention. He felt bored and tired from working on it so much but soon felt relieved when he noticed it coming into place, a confident smile on his face. Before he could search for anymore parts to add, he heard another chirp from the window, him flinching and looking at it only to see the same bird he's met before starting on the windowsill, it's head peeking at him through the metal bars. "You again...???" The redhead asked in confusion and a bit of surprise but sighing and getting up to go to his window. He grabbed the same crate and pulled it to the window, hopping onto it to reach the height of the window and peeking his eyes up at the bird. "Hello....you winged creature. What do you want???" He asked with confusion with a slight hint of annoyance, the bird only chirped as it fluttered it's wings a little and hopped in its spot with its head tilted at the boy. Red Son soon realizes what it wanted and sighed, mumbling with disgust and more annoyance. "What...??? Ugh...I can't believe I'm acting...NICE to such a creature but...fine. You can rest on my hand again, bird." He spoke a bit louder near the end, reaching his hand through the metal bars towards the bird, looking stressed. The bird chirped and fluttered it's wings as it stared at his hand and hopped onto it, pecking one of his fingers. "Ow- stop that you stupid bird- OW!" He yelped again as his hand kept being attacked by the bird. He growled a bit out of irritation but sighed and stared at the bird as it stared back at him, his stares being more intense. "Fine bird...you win. Now if you'll excuse me, BIRD. I have to get back to my work...can't have my attention on such a weak little thing." He said as he got back off the crate and went to his workplace with his head up high with sass. The bird only chirped and flew it's way inside, landing on his desk, Red Son seeing him and looking confused and growling a bit with even more annoyance. "Ugh...WHAT do you want?!" He asked with anger, the bird only just chirped and hopped over the blueprint of his future experiments and gadgets to make, making the boy furious. "Hey! Enough of that! Get off you feathery peasant! That's my work! Ugh!" He shouted with more anger as he tried to snatch the bird but it missed and flew up into the air and flew to his bookshelves. Red Son gasped and turned around blinking before balding up his fists and stoning to the shelves. "Get back here!!!" He snapped as he jumped to get the bird but it kept chirping and flew onto the higher shelves. "I'll COOK you if you don't stop meddling with me peasant." He spoke in an serious and enraged tone with his teeth gritted and his eye twitching. Before he could pounce to catch the bird he remembered feeling he felt when first encountering such creature. His stress being at ease, the anger and pain he felt slowly washing away, and peace filling his heart as it rested from the harsh feelings it had felt before. His eyes widened and he began to have second thoughts about attacking the bird, looking at the floor in confusion and disbelief at what he was feeling. "Why am I suddenly...NICER??? I'm the prince of the Demon Bull King Family! I can't be...nice!" He thought as he blinked and kept staring at the floor with a more puzzled expression. Suddenly before he could think anymore, he felt two claws small feet land gently on his head, making him flinch and look up at his head only to see the same bird sitting on his head with it's head tilted back at him. "Ah! Get off! GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!" Red Son screamed as he tried to get the bird off his head, only for it to chirp and flap its wings in response from the hasty encounter it was having. Before Red could smack the bird it flew off his head and landed on his arm, making Red blink and try to grab it but he soon stopped himself due to the exhaustion and agitation he felt from it being such a bother to him.

"Your not gonna leave me alone are you? Ugh...fine, You win! Now what do you want...???" He asked as he walked back to his workplace and sat in his chair, giving the bird a mad look. The bird chirped and Red Son sighed and began to pluck at the bird. The bird hesitated at first from his touch, but it simply chirped and began to nuzzle its small head against his finger, making the redhead's eyes grow wide in surprise. "You...you want me to PET you???" He asked as he hesitated at first but sighing in defeat and gently petting the bird with his finger, hearing it chirp. As he heard the bird chirp with happiness, he suddenly felt a new and...nicer feeling. His eyes then grew wider as he blinked at it, he the felt himself rest and a small grin beginning to appear across his face as the bird continued to chirp happily. "Hmph...MAYBE your not so much of an annoying little nuisance, after all." He spoke as he crossed an arm across his other one and giving the bird a side lazy eyed glare with a smile. Suddenly a bull bot slammed open the door, causing the boy and the bird to flinch. "Wha- UGH! What is it NOW bull bot 3?!" He yelled with anger as the bird flew off out the window, making the redhead look desperate and shocked for it not to leave, but grew to anger the next moment towards the bot. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU USELESS BODY OF BULTS!!!" The redhead screamed as his hair began to flare up in flames, the bot sweating a bit in anxiety from his anger. "Your parents are returning soon your majesty. Have you finished your newest invention yet?" Asked the bot, Red Son finally realizing his main task and immediately looking back at the his desk, only to find that the invention is half done. "NO! That stupid bird....I'll be finished when I have some PEACE and QUIET you IMBECILE!!!" Red Son snapped at the bull bot, it nodding and slamming the door back shut. "UGH!!! Mother and father will be home soon and I'm only half way done...! What am I gonna do?! That bird DISTRACTED me." Said the redhead as he stressed and rushed his work and construction on the invention, hoping that maybe his parents will be less harsh on him when he shows it to them.

As Red Son finished the work of his invention, the same little bird watched him from a far away tree high up in the forests, it blinking as then chirping and it flying up high into the skies towards the mountains.

Where only one person could be

[End of Chapter]

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