The serpent ring

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One day Sindy woke up to hear her phone ringing "hello" the voice said "i believe you have something that belongs to me"what are you talking about" sindy said "you can call me sam"said the voice "ok Sam what is it you want" " lets put it this way if you don't return it to me by the end of the day then you will face the consequences" "where should i meet you" "how about your old school in st.anthony" "but i live in river of ponds thats a long drive" "well i guess you'd better get on the road" "bye" sam said sindy could feel his eye twitching a shiver rolled up her spine as she hung up the phone.she wondered if she should call the cops no a voice rang in her head this is your problem and your time to stand up for once she grabbed her wallet and rushed hoping to catch the 9:00 bus.His voice kept repeating through her head over and over "or face the consequences" she tried to focus on her music coming from her iPod but it was hard she thought about what might the consequence be or maybe it was the a trap a million different options went through her head as she looked at the clock it was already 9:47 the bus came to a complete stop to pick up a boy he had dark brown hair hazel eyes and a brown leather jacket he sat in the seat across from her "hello" he said"um hi""whats your name" "i am Nathan an exchange student from labrador city" shure is a city boy Sindy thought "whats your name" asked Nathan "Sindy" "what stop do you get off at" Sindy said curiously "plum point " "and where do you get off at asked Nathan"st.anthony i am going to meet a guy" the rest of the way to plum point was silent" Nathan got off and a strange old couple got on with a bag full of instruments this wasn't going to be a very quiet ride for long Sindy mumbled so she took off her hoodie and folded it up to try to take a nap and not before long she drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep she woke up just as they were pulling into st.Anthony she shoved her hoodie back on as the bus pulled into the bus stop and walked the rest of the way to the school her phone started to buzz in her pocket again " hello" " i see you've arrived " " yeah but where are you " " that wont take long for you to find out " he hung up again and Sindy stared to breathe harder and harder by the second " where is it " Sindy gasped and turned right in front of her was a tall man with dark grey hair ripped jeans and a orange aero postale hoodie " where is what" she said silently hoping and preying someone would come to her rescue "you know exactly what i am talking about " the serpent ring "so all of this is just about some snake ring" "it is not just some snake ring it belonged to a rich queen and i know you have it" " but i" " she don't have it" Nathan said "i do" " he slid his hand in his back pocket and popped out a ring in the shape of a serpent with a little locket on it Nathan was about to give it to the man when the locket door swung open and a key came out " the key " sam shouted the key flew through the air and fell in a lake the floated out to sea "no the key is gone for good he went to run for sindy and nathan but they got away and caught the midnight bus Sindy climbed up the stairs to the bus when the driver glared at her and then shot her a happy wink Sindy finally got home and walked straight to her room sat to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper a pen,envelope and a stamp and wrote on the paper Dear Nathan how did you know where i was?I thought you got off at plum point. How did you get the ring?P.S please reply i would love to hear from you,Sindy a few days later she got a reply dear sindy i knew where you was because on the bus when you told me where you were going i got curios so when that old couple got on i snuck on behind them and i am sorry but i can not tell you how i got the ring it is personal ,Nathan Sindy sent at least 20 notes asking him where he got the ring but he never replied so she decided she would call so she did luckily Nathan answered "so are you going to tell me or not sindy said i stole it from the man and told him i gave it to a girl at that second he hung up

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