chapter 12: runaways

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we had been left entirely alone for over a month the sad part was i knew this was gonna happen there was one problem i needed outside help to deal with i couldn't fight a war on two fronts and so i contacted sanctum to deal with the VIRM while i dealt with ape

which appeared to be a good decision as the nines arrived

"OI, has it maybe gone through your head that i may have given it to her and maybe have encouraged it, i realized that maybe the children of parasites maybe stronger then their parents and got papa's express permission to ignore all rules and do with this squad as i pleased, and look at my results i have gotten a partner who can keep up with me without the need to be controlled AND i got 02 a partner who hasn't died, AND i have awakened the angel, i have gotten so much praise from papa it isn't even funny and what are you doing your destroying everything i have worked for" i said he snarled as he stormed off

"get the squad, and do so discreetly we will need to move quickly, have them meet at the greenhouse" i ordered kokoro nodded and hurriedly went to do as she was told

"i am going to be honest, our squad has been breaking so many rules, that i'm surprised that even with his trust in me he's aloud it to go on for so long, kokoro mitsuru i'm glad you have found your feelings for each other but you can't do it here not with alpha, and the nines breathing down our necks" i said

"so what do we do" goro asked

"i have fortunately been preparing for this eventuality, so i might as well explain papa sees us parasites as tools he can use and then dispose of" i said

"that can't be true he needs us" zorome said

"no it is, i have seen it, through shinji's memories he has ordered several squads to self-destruct to simply cause a klaxosaur to retreat all for raw materials and magma energy, some he has even ordered to their death through riding with sakura" ichigo said sadly

"so what do we do, we can't just run away" futoshi asked

"actually we can, i have everything already prepared in case this eventuality came to light, that town we found on our vacation i have had it brought back up to snuff and prepared for our use i intend to rebel against papa entirely, i even asked outside friends for help" i said

"outside friends" miku asked confused

"it's complicated, and revolves entirely around my unit, seraphiel" i siad

"so we have new franxx or something" zorome asked

"sort of they aren't franxx, they are better of course you will have to learn to use them they are significantly different then the franxx, i have five units already prepared for you the place is well provisioned with supplies we just need enough to get there, and then we should be good to house an army for the next year, magma energy will also be next to useless so the klaxosaurs should leave us alone, that is after all the reason they attack us, because we use magma energy" i said

"so we rebel against papa, we fight against him" zorome asked for confirmation and i nodded

"i'm gonna be honest i don't really want to be used and then told to die, because zorome, i'm gonna be honest parasites don't become adults after service they are simply disposed of if they are still even alive, that is why i intend to purge the world of the adults and APE and we will start again anew, unfortunately this means fighting against the nines i just hope the TSFs are up to snuff to hold against them" i said

"TSF" ikuno asked

"tactical surface fighter, the units that are replacing the franxx alongside the GN-X let's see argentea and chlorophytum, you four will get a GN-X each, the rest will get the shiranui which is the specific designation of the TSF the latest model we have access to, and obviously me and ichigo will be flying in seraphiel" i said

"so we just need supplies for the journey then" sakura asked i nodded

"you don't even need cloths i have those prepared as well cause i'll be damned if i have to where the parasite uniform any longer then necessary" i said

"what about others that we recruit" mitsuru asked

"did you think i only brought five unit's i said i had an army provisioned and i meant it, though our squad's units have been modified, so they meet your respective fighting styles" i said the squad nodded

"good then tonight we leave we don't really even have to get anything other then our parasite suits which if you look in the storage compartments of your franxx you will find your suits, i have prepared everything already before these nine bastards arrived" i said the group nodded and went their separate ways to finish their respective tasks as the nines stared at them suspiciously but they didn't have anyone eavesdrop the squads meeting so they had no idea what was really going on

at midnight we had quietly moved to the hanger suited up and by that point no longer cared about the alarms as we activated our franxx and forced our way out we found the emergency provisions which we thankfully haven't touched yet and grabbed all we could before hightailing out of their of course the nines were in hot pursuit

small problem i began to launch lances of longinus at them as we sped off

"keep heading east, we will deal with the nines" i ordered as seraphiel came to a halt and turned towards the nines drawing the secret-caliburs and getting into a combat stance

"let's dance partner" i said she smirked

"let's" she said as we charged at the nines much to alpha's shock he didn't understand the capabilities of seraphiel and so watched as his squad was dismembered himself included before  seraphiel's scarf transformed into majestic angel wings which the unit used to take flight and headed east to catch up with their squad

"DAMN IT" alpha cursed at the top of his

after catching up with the squad seraphiel's wings returned to being it's scarf tassels once we knew we were entirely out of sight we changed course towards the beach town

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