Beneath the Stars

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Y/N's pov:

      "This place looks great, guys!" I exclaimed. 

     The room was decked out with balloons and lights. Melody's turntable was setup in her corner, with some lights hanging above it. Tables stacked with refreshments and beverages stood near the walls of the room. 

     "Aw, thanks, Y/N!" Pacifica exclaimed.

     "Alright, Melody's going to be the DJ. I'm going to need someone to man the ticket stand," Bud said. He pointed to Pacifica and Robbie. "You kids are in charge of that."

     "I can take Pacifica's place!" Gideon exclaimed. 

    "Alright, Gideon and Robbie will work the ticket stand. Now you must promise me," Bud squinted at Gideon and Robbie. "that you won't leave the ticket stand. Alright?"

    "Yep! Absolutely!" Gideon said quickly, while Robbie did a small salute. 

     Gideon, Pacifica, and I went upstairs to get dressed for the party. While Gideon was putting on his bow tie, Pacifica said, "Gideon, you're not fooling me. You're only wanting to work at the ticket stand so you can be with Robbie."

      "Wait, Gideon likes Robbie?" I squealed.

     "Guys, stop it!" Gideon complained, his face bright red.

     "How long has he liked Robbie for?" I asked.

     "Like a couple of years," Pacifica answered.

     "Does Robbie know?" I asked.


     "Stop it!" Gideon repeated. "Besides, I have a plan that would get me to dance with Robbie!" He pulled out a small sheet of paper.

     "Is that a list?" I asked. 

     "That's not the whole list," Gideon replied. He then unfolded and unrolled the paper until it cascaded to the ground. My eyes widened as he did this.

     "Why do you need such a long list for a simple thing?" I asked. "You can just walk up to him and ask him to dance. It's not that hard!"

     "But I need to do all this! I have to make sure of every variable that could happen when I ask Robbie to dance with me!" Gideon explained.

       "You're just overcomplicating things, Gideon," Pacifica said. "C'mon, let's head to the party, Y/N!" She took my arm and dragged me downstairs, leaving Gideon behind.

        The party was packed. A disco ball hung in the center of the ceiling, casting neon lights as it spun around. People were either dancing out on the floor or chatting with each other near the refreshments. 

     "Hey, my friends are over there!" Pacifica pointed to a pair of girls sitting near the refreshments table, with a container of popcorn between them.

      One had shoulder-length magenta hair and was wearing a black hoodie and gray pants. The other girl had curly brown hair beneath a blue headband and was wearing a white T-shirt with the number 4 and jeans.

A/N: If you need a reference, here's the bottom photo. Fanart is not mine.

 Fanart is not mine

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