Chapter 1

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LIA'S PICTURE------->>>>>


Chapter 1: Harry Has Been Found !


"OH MY GOD!! IT'S ONE DIRECTION!!'' A girl screamed. Then a lot of girls saw me and started screaming. GOD! Can't we go to the grocery store without being chased by screaming fans? Guess not . As soon as we gave the cashier her money, we took our bag and ran for our lives. Jeez and I thought coming to America would be relaxing . 

After running what seems miles we saw a huge mansion, the door was open, now normally we wouldn't go in but we heard the fans' screams and so we went in.

When we went in we looked around: we saw it was quite an expensive house and there were five stair cases.  Suddenly we heard laughter and the voices of a few girls. 

"Guys lets split up, and when the girls are gone we'll meet up back here." Liam declared. We nodded and each of us went up different stair cases. After I was up, I saw a door labeled 'LIA'S ROOM, DON'T YOU DARE ENTER OR I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!!' I chuckled and went in anyway. I looked around the room wide eyed, it was a really cool room for a girl, at that moment I heard footsteps and I looked around and saw her closet door. I went in and hid there until I was found, which was soon and by a very gorgeous girl.

At first I thought she would scream and say 'OH MY GOD! You're Harry Styles! but instead she threw her shoe in my face.

"Who the hell are you?! How the freaking hell did you get in here?! Just you wait I'm calling the cops-" She was cut off by a scream. "Don't you dare move" She finished and walked out of the room. She hit me! With a shoe! And She doesn't know who I am! 

Well....This will be interesting .

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