005 (Part-1)

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prompt : Rocky as a single father of his and Reena's child.

Warnings : Nothing much just a bit of harsh language and mention of character death.



"The labour is mine no. 4 is kind of lacking behind due to work load" Qausim chacha said as he walked beside Rocky.

"Give them a break for a day" Rocky replied and he nodded leaving. It's been 5 years since the defeat of Ramika Sen, it's not a defeat if you look at it.

Rocky signed a small contract promising to keep the underworld circulation in a limit and in exchange Ramika would let him rule his KGF peacefully.

So they both set up his death and the distrcution of KGF but after a few months everything went to how it was except for one thing, he dosen't have Reena by his side now.

He has lost her to a assassination four years back, just after she gave birth to their child. She saved him with cost of her own life but before going she too took a promise from him.

A promise that he would make their daughter as strong him so she never bows to anyone and fights back when she has to and he has been trying his best to keep his promise.

But being single father is not easy, especially when you are the biggest criminal in your country. He sighed massaging his cramped shoulders which were a bit too stiff for his liking.

He was just ready to fall on his back and pass out  from all the exhaustion but a voice made him stay up and almost refilled him with energy.

"Appa!!" A small shout followed by tiny footsteps rushed towards him and suddenly he doesn't feel that tired anymore.

Just as he sits up a small figure jumps on him, hiding its face in his chest.

"Hi darling"

"Appa how was your day?" The little girl asked, looking at him with big eyes.

That's Arya, Arya Desai, his and Reena's daughter. His only reason to stay sane and behave himself.

She is cute, little happy soul as stubborn as her father though and mixed with the fierceness she gets from her mom she can be difficult at times but Rocky loves her nonetheless.

"It's all the same, how about you?"

"Ummm, I visited Amma and played around nothing much" She replied shrugging. Arya is quite smart for her age and maybe it has to do something with the environment she is being  brought up in.

Rocky usually tries his hardest to keep the emperor of KGF and Arya's father as two different people in him but she still catches on him.

It's not easy being a father, especially for someone like him. All his life Rocky has barely cared for anyone except his mother and wife. His own childhood has been so rough that he has no idea how to treat his daughter in the right way.

The first year after Reena's death was miserable, the work load, the grief and the constant worry about Arya's upbringing and safety weighted him down constantly to the point that he use to have fits of anger.

But with time everything fell in place, he taught himself to be gentle and caring while Arya grew up as a understanding girl with not many demands.

There are days when Rocky is too tired or busy but he has never heard her whining for his attention. His daughter is really a blessing to him that he will protect at all cost.

"Sir there is a news" A servant said knocking and then opening the door but not entering. Arya looked fascinated as only with one flick of her father's wrist.the man was gone.

"Appa why does everyone always listens to you?"

"It's because I am the boss darling"

"Can I be the boss too?"

"When you grow up then"

And like that the father-daughter duo talked, more like Arya ranting while Rocky just listened, the smile never leaving his face.

15 Years Later

"Please forgive me I...be..beg you..p..p..p..please" One of the four men trembled in fear as Vanaram and Quasim looked at him with stotic face.

The sound of boots clicking alerted everyone and they immediately cleared the way for the person. She entered the room, took the gun from Vanaram and shot three out of four men dead.

"I am calm now" She said as one of the guards brought a chair and she sat down on it, infront of the man.

"Now tell me who told you and how much did they give you to do this" The female said. The guy gulped, he knew the girl sitting infront of him, he has heard of her.

The exact copy of her father, the daughter of the biggest criminal, the shadow of the monster himself.

She is Arya Krishnappa Bairya aka Aira

She is a copy of her father, same attitude, same body language and same way of ruling.

Yes you read it right at the mere age of 20 she currently leading the biggest empire in India. Why? You will get to know soon.

"See I am not a patient person so its better that you answer me" She said yet again making the man tremble slightly.

"I...d..di..did nothing" He said and her face dropped to a emotionless expression as her eyes bored into his soul.

"Tie him up, I will show him what he did" She said as Vanaram nodded, chaining the man up and handing a end of the chain to her.

Wrapping it around her hand she kicked the guy's knee making him fall to the ground. She then turns around and starts dragging him somewhere.

The wails and cries of help echoed in the mansion as the man was dragged to the master bedroom.

Aira pushed the door open and threw the man inside.

"This is what you did" She hissed pointing towards the bed.

On the bed layed Rocky, his eyes closed, with a IV and heart machine attached to one of his hands. His breathing was calm and regular, like he was sleeping.

"He has been in a coma for last 1 and a half year just because he wanted to save me from the bullet you fired at me. He took them upon himself because you piece of shit betrayed him"

"So now tell me who was behind all this before I peel you skin off your body"  She said as the man almost cried out of fear.

"Okay okay I will tell you just don't kill me please..."


Don't worry there will be a part 2

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