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Natural disasters are the way of the world, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and destructive. The damage they cause and the aftermath they leave are all but acceptable as it's the way the natural order works.

For love, the world and its order would not bat an eye for the order they have preserved. For flame and wax, their future is sealed in stone. What will they do against diversity, will they burn out or shine bright.





Solid and full, yet feeling so empty and fragile. After so much sacrifice and hard work, that can never seem to be fulfilling enough to fill the empty void in his heart.



Appearing, soaring and roaring in light, filled with anger and destruction, at the world of complete ignorance, and negligence.

Love was a secret ingredient to all cures of misery and complete identity loss. Love with no bounds and conditions is what they both needed, yet never seemed to seek and realize its true meaning and importance, after such great and long-living pasts, they both needed each other.

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