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January 22, 1904.

Nothing ever happened on Watery Lane. That's what Polly stood by deliberately, until the famous stinging-cold January morning, the morning everyone who was at the number sixth, remembers to this day.

"Get your arse back here, young lady!" Tommy yelled across the room as he chased after the little naked Ada, who was at that moment giggling with a red face and practically running for her life.

"You'll never catch me Tommy!" She screamed back to the teenage boy who was clasping a school dress in his hands.

"A little help Arthur?" Turned Tommy desperately to his newly arrived big brother coming down the stairs.

"No chance," Arthur held out a hand, rubbing his eyes. "Haven't slept in fucking days."

"Well get John then, for Christ sakes!" Tommy implored tiredly.

"JOHN BOY!" Arthur yelled trough the house, his voice booming and hoarse as ever, an action that made his younger brother whack the back of his head.

"Shut up Arthur." Hissed Tommy, "Mum's sleepin'."

"Shut up Artha, shut up Artha, shut up Artha..." Echoed little Ada as she circled around the boys.

"Christ Tommy, look at what you've done now," The smirking Arthur mocked, pointing at their sister. Tommy couldn't help, but smile. He had a beautiful smile, with one dimple on his right cheek.

John rushed down the stairs now, face smeared and freckled, his trousers falling down halfway. He was short, pretty short for his age, but he never seemed to care.

"What?" He asked, voice far not yet deep, for what he always complained about because most of his classmates already mutated.

"Catch her." Gave the order Arthur, motioning with his head at the flying Ada. John did not need a second warning, but a huge grin took over his face before bolting away next to his brothers.

The oldest Shelby boys dropped down on the torn couch, and Arthur placed a cigarette in his mouth.

"Mum told you not to smoke inside." Tommy snatched the cigarette from his brother's lips.

"Fuckin' 'ell" Arthur sighed as he frowned at his brother. They sat in silence, listening to the thumping of tiny feet, and the screaming of John and Ada. It was Arthur who broke the silence with a smile on his face.

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