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It was a cold and lonely night like all nights before on that sad winter and Charlotte looked on the shelves for something that would entertain bored and hungry children and saw snow falling through the window and saw an opportunity on the climate to tell a story to her sons

— Brendan, Ryan have i ever told you about the first king of Hertrania?

— First King of Hertrania? Who is he mom? — Ryan the youngest asked with a curious look

—Was he big like the soldiers who pass by every day? — Brendan the oldest asked with a look begging for answers about the soldiers

— No hahaha — Charlotte laughed by herself — He was a small man but with a large amount of power who had a simple life without much wealth until one day just like today he decided to go on a journey without destination looking for his destiny, some say that he spend months looking on boat until one day he found what he was looking for

— And what was it mommy?

— A home, he found a big land with large mountains and beautiful plains, on that same land he build his kingdom with a gift that was given to him of his birth a little blue crystal

— Blue crystal mommie? Just like the ones that the soldiers on horses are always holding?

— Yes a very powerful crystal, with it nobody stood on his way and the country of Hertrania was born, and after lots of war we live on that same country

— Why did you tell us all of that mommy?

—Because tomorrow my dear you two are gonna visit her and she will have a lot to talk with you two about the kingdom

—Auntie Jacqueline? The one who lives next door right? We haven't seer in quite some time — Ryan asked with a confused and funny look

— Yes her my dear — Charlotte laughed with the faces of her little ones and watched with attention the clock that was above the fireplace

The hours had passed and the two boys were sleeping peacefully, Charlotte had finished packing her things and walked slowly to the door knob and opened seeing the big blizzard that was passing by

— Just like him i will find my purpose  — Charlotte grabbed her bag, put her long cape and gave a last look to her little ones sleeping well covered up with blankets and closed the home door going away without destination

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