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Will, Joe, and Maddie had driven to Kit's house instantly when they got no reply. Will had even tried Sadie and few more times, Joe DM'd Millie but no one responded. Kit was pacing, shaking with anxiety. Will spaced off not listening.

"Who can we try? It's not like she talked about her parents." Maddie asked, everyone looked at Joe.

"No, her mom died when she was young, like 9. Her dad was an alcoholic, so they don't talk anymore." Joe admitted. Kit, felt more panic seep into him. She had never talked about her parents to him. A phone ringing made the group jump. Will held up his phone, showing Sadies name and picture.

"Sadie? What the actual fuck-" Will started, Sadie didn't say anything at first.

"Who are with you right now?" Sadie asked quickly, her tone soft but sharp. It almost sounded strained.

"Kit, Joe, and Maddie. Sade, what's going on. Everyone's worried about Augustine, have you heard from her?" Will asked, the group crowding around his phone. Kit chewed on his bottom lip.

"...listen... auggie, she-" Sadie started, her voice broke and their was a long silence.

"She what, Sadie?" Kit asked the girl.

"There was a car accident. Auggie, s-s-she's alive, but it's not good, guys." Sadie started to cry on the other end. Kit felt his whole world spinning, he clasped a hand around Joe's arm to keep himself up. But even Joe looked physically pale, there was a long pause. Maddie was already crying and Will was too stunned to react."I'm in the emergency room with her, she's unconscious and her ankles broken. I was the only person they could get in contact with, I feel so scared and lost right now." Sadie admitted, her voice wavering.

"B-but she's alive? And she's not going to like, have amnesia or anything?" Kit choked out, he swallowed back tears.

"No, just a small bump on the head, probably a concussion. Maybe a broken rib or two and her ankle. You're still leaving tomorrow right?" She asked Kit, he nodded then cleared his throat.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm still coming." Kit stated, now he wanted to be there more than ever.

"No, please come. If you can, bring someone else too. I don't care, I just cant do this alone." Sadie replied.

"We'll all come. I'm sure we can swindle our way into some extra tickets." Joe said instantly, everyone nodded in agreement.

"You guys are amazing. See you all soon, I'll get you from the airport." Sadie said quickly, then hung up. The group stood in utter silence, then Kit pulled them all into a group hug as they all sank to the floor of his house.

kit.connor just posted!

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kit.connor thinking about you. see you soon.
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maddieziegler just posted!

———————————————liked by gao_will and 997,827 otherstagged: theeaugustinemillermaddieziegler hoping for a short recovery you beautiful angel

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maddieziegler hoping for a short recovery you beautiful angel

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joelocke just posted!

———————————————liked by gao_will and 997,827 otherstagged: theeaugustinemillerjoelocke stay strong, i love you

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liked by gao_will and 997,827 others
tagged: theeaugustinemiller
joelocke stay strong, i love you

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gao_will just posted!

gao_will just posted!———————————————-

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liked by kit.connor and 997,827 others
tagged: theeaugustinemiller
gao_will keep fighting auggie.

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kinda made myself cry a little wtf

r u mine?, k.connorWhere stories live. Discover now