Ophelia Brookshire

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(My main D&D OC!)

Name: Ophelia Brookshire

Age: 23 years

Race: Halfling

Description: A charming lass with brownish blonde, braided hair, and green eyes. She may stand at only three feet tall, but she is a force to be reckoned with.

Talents: Playing the lute, Sailing, Sword fighting

Backstory: Ophelia spent most of her life in a cozy home in the hills, then she hopped on a ship to explore the world and seek her fortune with nothing but a lute on her back and a thirst for adventure. Unfortunately, three weeks into the voyage, the ship was wrecked in a storm, and Ophelia was left the only survivor. After being washed up on a beach and finding her lute destroyed in the chaos, Ophelia fashioned a new, working lute from the wooden wreckage of the ship, and used threads from the sails for the strings. She found salvation at a nearby town's tavern, and got a nighttime gig playing her lute and singing for the tavern's patrons. But when Ophelia found herself alone, she'd mourn the loss of her crewmates over a bottle of rum, and vowed to herself never to go to sea again. Heck, she never wanted to be near water deeper than three feet at most, being so small of stature.

When someone asks Ophelia why she gave up on seafaring, she only says this: "The sea takes the body, but shadow takes all."


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