01 - broken hearts and broken beds

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     Seok sat at the bar, his mind elsewhere. He had been slamming drink after drink back for the past hour, trying to forget the day's events. His boyfriend of three years had just broken everything off and left him for someone else. He was in shock, but he also felt broken and angry. All these feelings mixed together to make a bitter man. 

He was so caught up in his emotions that the black haired male didn't notice the person coming to sit next to him. The person sat next to him ordered a drink and looked around before his eyes landed on Seok. Their eyes lit up and then they smiled, and began to talk. 

"Hello there," the male seated next to Seok said. 

Seok's voice got caught in his throat as he looked at the beautiful male seated next to him. His skin was a beautiful honey color, warm and looked sweet to the touch. His hair was as white as new fallen snow, framing his face with unruly wisps, his hair curling at the base of his neck. His jawline was so sharp, it looked as if it would cut you if you touched it. The way his white button up shirt clung to his body, it accentuated the honey skinned male's frame well. And those eyes. They were as beautiful and breath taking as crystals. They were a beautiful color of amethyst, unblinking and never wavering. His pearly white smile not faltering as Seok checked the taller male out. The honey skinned male then cleared his throat and chuckled. This knocked Seok out of his stupor and he turned bright red, stumbling over himself. 

"Ah I, uh, hi! Um fuck, sorry. I uh, I'm Seok, it's nice to meet you," the flustered black haired male said. 

The white haired male laughed, "It's nice to meet you too. My name is Noé."

Seok nodded as the two slowly started to converse. The air began to fill with laughs as they continued talking for a couple of hours, never running out of topics to go over. They both looked content in their choice to talk and just enjoy the company of one another. And then came that fated question. 

"So what brings you to the bar tonight?" Noé asked the black haired male.

At that question, Seok's face fell. He had forgotten all about what had brought him to that bar tonight until Noé asked him that question. He sat there with a sullen look on his face, looking down at the alcohol in his hand. He'd realized he'd sobered up while talking to Noé. Seok sighed and looked over at the honey skinned male. 

"My boyfriend, or well, I should say ex-boyfriend of three years cheated on me. Left me for someone else. So I came to drink my sorrows away," Seok said and pursed his lips together.

Without a second of hesitation, Noé grabbed the glass from Seok. The black haired male looked up in confusion and could see the look of concern etched across Noé's face. 

"You've had enough tonight I think. I'm really sorry that happened to you, and I've really enjoyed getting to know you. You're kind and really funny. You deserve a lot better than what happened. So if you'd let me, I'd like to erase the thoughts of your ex from your head for the night. As I said, if you'll let me," Noé stated, a soft look of kindness and lust etched across his face. 

Seok normally would turn guys who were there to just use him down, but he could tell that Noé genuinely was there to listen. He actually wanted to help him forget and not just use Seok for his own pleasurable gain. He sat there for a moment before turning towards Noé.

"Please, help me forget," Seok said quietly and that was all Noé needed. 

Noé kindly paid for both his and Seok's drinks for the night and then they began to walk about his place. Through conversation, Seok had found out that Noé was a vampire, but that didn't frighten him. In fact, that fact only turned him on and sent a pulse of pleasure through his body. The thought of being bit went straight to his cock and the anticipation only worsened when they entered Noé's apartment. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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