About a boy

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Mark and Jackson walked up the street in an awkward silence, the last words they'd said to each other was five minutes ago when Jackson had nervously asked to walk Mark home. Jackson had so much he wanted to say to Mark, he wanted to know everything about him, he wanted to know what went on in that beautiful head of his when he's all zoned out. He wanted to know what made him tick, what made him smile, what made him cry, everything and anything. Every time he was around Mark he seemed to lose his ability to talk, he could only imagine the endless teasing the guys would put him through if they should see him now. He, Jackson Wang, the guy who could talk till thy kingdom come, the hyper active Jackson tamed before Mark. He shuddered a little at the thought of the guys finding out about Mark and how he felt about him. He knew he had to say something but what should he say, he had so much he wanted to tell him yet his lips just wouldn't form the words his mind was telling them to. 

Mark was in a mental battle with himself, he hated the effect Jackson had on him, he was scared of how he made him feel, he wanted to let himself go and fall in love, I mean this is what he'd always wanted right?, to fall in love and be swept off his feet, so why was he so afraid to let the walls he'd built around his heart down? What if he allowed himself to fall in love and then got hurt? Then what? What if for once in his life he lived a little, you know, gave a little something to someone and received something back? He wanted it all, the morning kisses, the dinners together, the late night talks, the rainy day cuddles on the couch, all of it, but what if he woke up one morning and he couldn't have them anymore? Would he survive the hurt? What if he just let it all go and save his heart, you can't miss what you never had, right? He'd waited his whole life, all twenty-one years of it, for that special someone to come and when it did, he was afraid to take the big leap. 

They walked on, looking everywhere else except at each other, each person very much aware of the other, aware of the fact that they had unknowingly closed the gap between them now walking closely side by side and hands brushing against each other every now and then as they walked, aware of the fact that they had unknowingly slowed down their pace despite the awful winter cold. "D..." Mark had started to say at the same time that Jackson had started to say "Sh...", both speaking at the same time made them laugh nervously, breaking the awkward silence. "You go first" Mark said smiling, "No you first" Jackson replied, they went back and forth with this for a while. " Ok" said Jackson "I'll go first" as Mark smiled triumphantly. "I was just gonna ask if I should help you push the bike...we've been walking for a while, I thought you might be tired". Mark pushed the bike toward Jackson "here...thanks" he said as Jackson took the bike. 

"So what were you gonna ask me?" Jackson said as he looked sideways at Mark, he liked the way the shadows played on his face, it looked surreal. 

"Oh...uh...just...if you weren't cold, your clothes look a little thin, I have a spare scarf in my backpack...if you want"

"I didn't realize it was going to be a cold night...I should check the weather more often" Jackson was saying as he watched Mark open his bag and take out a large red knitted scarf.

"Here" Mark said wrapping the scarf around Jackson's neck, using all the willpower left in him to keep his hands steady, he could feel his whole body shake from how close he was to Jackson, his heart was racing and his knees felt weak.

Jackson stiffened when Mark leaned over to wrap the scarf around his neck, he felt his breath catch in his throat as Mark's face came an inch from his, he let out a little gasp, one that he hoped Mark didn't hear. "Thanks" he managed to say softly, the words almost inaudible, he smiled a little as Mark nodded his head. They walked the rest of the way in silence, each recovering from the effects of having the others face so close to his.

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