The Tale of of Shinso x Tsukasa

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tsukasa held his Chainsaw and put it near the wood about split it in half. shinso skipped into the room with his head held high screaming

then he said to tsukasa while looking at the Chainsaw "thats my grandmas you can't do this" but there was no use tsukasa had a super sadistic smile that simps would simp over

"i thought it was ur moms"

"no idiot give it back"

tsukasa screamed like someone spammed a keyboard and sliced the wood in two with his Chainsaw with a sweet sunshine smile and innocent looking eyes yet they were scary and demonlike at the same time

"i ate your grandma fool"

"n-no" shinso said his tears glossing over his eyes like stereotypical shoujo anime girls "no thats not possible"

"because" he said

"because i actually gobbled her up" shinso finished sadly and hes never been sadder this is his saddest day and theres no way to make anyone sadder its just so sad

*anime gasp* said tsukasa

"ikr" shinso said

"but i like you shinso lets kiss"

and then they kissed

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

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