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Venion cried enough for 30 minutes, and read a book to relieve her sadness.

When she cries, it is not easy to stop, but if she has forgotten, she can no longer be sad.

'Should I just write a novel here? Even though I'm not that talented, and only let my friends read it, it's fine if you sell bl porn novels on the black market.'

I shook my head.

'Hey! You've only been here for a while, and want to make another sin!? Venion's sins have piled up and you haven't repented yet!'

Well, that's Venion's sin. Why should I repent?

I laughed talking to myself as I put the book back down.

I went to the mask shop and looked at the masks to wear.

Venion, why do you have a pretty face!? If you have a personal bodyguard as strong as Choi Han or Ron, that's fine. But not only do you not have loyal bodyguards by your side, you also have a lot of enemies!

Venion, people collect friends, not enemies. How many of your enemies can I make the subject of my imagination?

Venion saw a black face mask with only holes in the eyes placed. But when seen a bit detailed, the nose down can be opened.

Venion was immediately interested and bought it.

'Now, let's put on a commoner's dress.'

Venion bought a dress below the knee in white and green which made her look cute. She wears a green headband that looks like rabbit ears.

'I'm so cute even with a mask on!'

Then wearing white stockings as high as her thighs, wearing plain dark brown shoes.

"And now, time to go eat!"

Venion no longer thought about returning home even when the banquet wasn't over.

The final banquet is tomorrow and will be a terror bomb. Venion didn't want to come and the Stan household had Taylor to take her place.

"From now on, I am Venny!"

The ponytail, which was cut to just elbow level, wobbled as Venion moved.

Because of Venion's cuteness, she got a lot of discounts. Being beautiful and cute is a blessing once in a while. But disaster if you are not really alert.


"Forgive me!"

Venion immediately bowed in apology for offending someone when not looking forward.

Venion suddenly felt goosebumps.

She lifted her face, saw Choi Han and Baecrox who seemed to be fighting from their eyes.

Ron was a few yards behind just watching them.

Venion took a step back, turned around and wanted to leave.


Venion was pushed away violently until she fell to the ground.

'How many times do I have to go through a bad day? Am I the main character because bad luck always comes to me?'

Well, no way.

"Don't you see the way!? Just because you're a woman, you think all men should be gentle with you!?"

A muscular man and I can say, cough, why does everyone in this novel have to be handsome? Even for Billos if he loses weight.

But Billos was already cute with his crescent moon eyes.

I'm become Venion Stan. [Female Venion.] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now