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didn't really expect ppl to read this

thank you so much 🙏

fluff (lemon?)

Asmo was freaking out at the moment. The avatar of lust had a little crush on a certain human, and this was also the first time where he didn't want someone for their body.

Well.. kind of.

'Why did this have to happen to ME? I mean he isn't even all that good-looking , despite his muscles that are noticeable even with his shirt on.. '

He just couldn't figure out a way to ask out the guy .        I mean, it is the first time he actually took a liking to someone.
What was he supposed to do anyway ? He is always busy with his studies , and hanging out with his brothers most of the time , that M/N intends to forget him for a little while , and only hangs out with him occasionally.

" Helloo? Are you okay? "

" WHAT THE FUCK ... Oh my goodness M/N I was just thinking about you "

" Oh really? Anyways I'm here for our so-called 'study date' "

"O-oh yeah, come on in! "

Asmo slowly beat himself up on the inside for stuttering. He cannot make a fool out of himself in front of you of all people. He calmly let's you in his room while you go and sit down on his couch.

" I brought some snacks if you don't mind, I thought we could watch something after we're done. "

" Oh that's fine. I was actually thinking the same thing! "

M/N reaches down on the side on the couch and gets his little bookbag he brought and takes out some of the study books he had brought with him as well.
Asmo gets up to go get some paper just to jot down some notes.
As Asmo was getting some paper, M/N decided to get up and explore his room.

'This is a really nice room.'

As he was thinking , he spots a box on the floor that is labeled TOYS. Without thinking., he crouches down and opens the box , only to find dildos, vibrators, and other stuff that he kind of expected.
Asmo suddenly comes in and sees M/N crouching down and peering inside of the box.

" Oh?What did you find there my sweet M/N? "

" Uhm..I think you forgot to hide this? " he says , while pulling out a pink dildo.

" WHAT. My bad, I thought I had hid it well enough for you not to see it.. unless you wanted to do something else?~ "

" I mean..do you want to? "

" I'll be glad to my dear M/N~ "

You turn around fast, half not expecting for him to agree. Asmo slowly starts walking to you while your breath hitches. He was just absolutely fascinating.


You and Asmo are now currently making out on his couch, him on your lap and you holding his waist.You softly bite his bottom lip , making him let out a soft moan.You quickly let your tongue inside of his mouth , and both of you start fighting for dominance.

Y/N won and started exploring Asmo's mouth , him letting out quiet moans every now and then.
He suddenly starts grinding on your lap making you grunt and pull away.

" Getting desperate aren't we ? You are such a desperate slut for me."

" Only trying to -ngh- get you riled up for me ~ "

You slowly take off your clothes while Asmo does the same . He gets off your lap and gets on his knees , being directly in front of your dick.
He pulls down your boxers and places his hands on your shaft , moving them up and down skillfully.

You let out low grunts every time he traced a vein , then Asmo suddenly places his mouth on your tip.
He starts swirling his tongue around it, while he moves his soft hands up and down the rest.
He attempts to deep throat you, him gagging every now and then since you have a pretty big dick.

You suddenly grab a fist full of his hair and start basically face fucking him . Asmo is shocked by how fast you did it , but it also turned him on more . He just felt so submissive towards you , and he wasn't complaining.

He just absolutely loved being under you and being dominated by you , sexual or not . He almost came when he heard you grunt and curse under your breath for how good his throat felt.

" Ah fuck..~ I'm close..."

His pace picked up faster and he had finally released his seed inside of Asmo's throat . Asmo made sure to swallow it all before opening his mouth and showing it to his beloved M/N.

" I hope you think that we are not done yet .."

" Why of course we aren't ~ "


he's my spirit animal

ima keep doing limes just to practice for the real thing.

word count ; 814

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