True Colors

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Stiles waited patiently at the diner just trying to catch his breath. He had a meeting run late and texted accordingly. It felt weird to be so young and to have meetings, but he supposed that it wasn't all that odd. After all he had thrived in the Ito pack and had finished not just high school but college early. He loved feeling as though the world was at his fingertips, and anything was possible. One of the things–people–he'd found was his boyfriend, Brett. It was new and it was different, but Stiles had appreciated the wolf from a distance when he first joined their pack and as time went on he found himself growing closer and closer until a fateful night when a kiss took place between them that changed everything. That had been a year ago today which was another reason Stiles felt awful that he had been late but it was still their anniversary and would be for another four hours.

Stiles glanced around the diner curiously, but he didn't see the wolf anywhere. He pulled out his phone and noticed his text about being late had been read but he had no reply. It was almost an hour past when they were supposed to meet, and Stiles was anxious. If Brett was late he would always text Stiles. If something was upsetting him or they'd fought which had only happened once Brett would at least send an emoji. They had made it a point to text each other even if they were upset so that they would know the other was okay. So that was why Stiles was really worried when the waitress came over at closing to let him know they had to lock up. Stiles paid and left but he wasn't tired and he wasn't angry despite a part of him feeling like he should be because more than anything he was worried. His eyes scanned the surrounding area before he sent a text to Satomi and then headed on foot to where he hoped his mate would be.


Brett's limbs felt sluggish, and his heart was pounding. He whined as he shifted and ran to the place that felt safest. Of course, as he got there he wished he wasn't coming there alone. It was after all the place he shared with...Stiles but Stiles wouldn't be there because his boyfriend was waiting for him at the diner. Brett had seen the text about being late but hadn't replied. How could he? He'd fucked up and Stiles would just know. Brett wouldn't have to say a word for his mate to know what he had done. So the wolf stayed shifted and curled up under the tree looking out at the lake, his heart aching with need for his mate.


Stiles made it to the lake and sure enough his eyes fell on a wolf curled up under one of the oak trees. The fact that Brett was fully shifted spoke volumes about how he was feeling. Stiles knelt down and saw the moment when Brett heard him.

The wolf looked up at Stiles without lifting his head and Stiles felt punched in the gut by the waves of emotion almost bowing him over with their intensity. Guilt. Shame. Fear. Sadness. He didn't know what had happened but he felt his skin break out with chills. What would Brett have to fear that he couldn't tell Stiles about? What could ever be so horrible that it would change things between them? What was so awful he didn't show up or text Stiles? Guilt implied wrongdoing. Shame alluded to that as well. Fear wasn't mortal fear but emotional. That made sense because Stiles would've felt physical pain as surely as Brett had especially if to a mortal degree. So no, the fear was emotional. Sadness was evidential of something Stiles couldn't quite put his finger on. Brett felt guilty, shameful, afraid and sad but why. Stiles didn't even give a millisecond of thought to cheating because he knew that would never ever happen. Stiles, knowing physically that his mate was all right, knew he had to just ask.


The wolf whined and looked away, flicking his eyes toward the grass and then closing them. That was how Stiles felt things click into place. He remembered Brett telling him that morning that something had to be taken care of that afternoon. Stiles had sensed Brett's unease and did everything within his power to alleviate it. Brett finally told him they had to meet with a beta pair of siblings that had wandered in. Since he was to be Satomi's successor, he had been taking on more and more alpha responsibilities. If they sought refuge, they would receive it assuming they posed no threat. Stiles felt his heart break recalling the text he'd received from their alpha which had resulted in the meeting that made him late. One of the betas had been tranquilized with a hallucinogen that made her attack. Neither Beta–one of which had been human bearing the title beta only in name–had survived. Stiles looked at Brett who had yet to say or do anything more than withdraw.

So that's what had happened. Satomi hadn't said anything as she believed these kinds of things were so deeply personal because of the alteration a wolf would experience but it made sense now. Brett had taken an innocent life even though he had no choice he felt the guilt which meant–.

Stiles started singing. "You with the sad eyes."

Brett's eyes opened and he met Stiles's gaze. He wondered if Stiles knew.

"I see your true colors shining through."

Brett began to whine, feeling his heart aching to be close to the fox.

Stiles kept his eyes locked with the wolf's. "I see your true colors shining through."

Brett instinctively gave in and crawled closer, his eyes glowing blue when he reached Stiles. Whatever happened he knew it would be okay because his mate was there.

Stiles's gaze never drifted, and he continued singing softly. "I see your true colors and that's why I love you."

Brett felt himself shifting back as tears fell and tried to keep his eyes in check, but Stiles cupped his jaw. "So don't be afraid to let them show."

Brett leaned into the touch and his eyelashes were sprinkled with tears but he let his eyes shift to their new blue. He had known Stiles wouldn't judge him but seeing the love in the fox's eyes and knowing it was for him was a comfort in a way nothing else could be. Stiles gazed into Brett's eyes and smiled. It was a small smile compared to how Stiles usually smiled but Brett didn't need more than that and Stiles knew it.

"Your true colors. True colors are beautiful."

Brett leaned his forehead against Stiles's and felt the tension draining from his shoulders. "Like a rainbow," he whispered, not trusting himself to speak louder let alone sing.

Stiles carded the fingers of one hand through Brett's hair while the other stayed cupping his jaw. "If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear. Just call me up because you know I'll be there."

Stiles kept humming just holding his mate letting Brett feel that he meant every word and now Brett did know. He always knew that no matter the colors he loved Stiles and Stiles loved him.

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